Sequoia Circle

Sequoia Circle

Sequoia Circle

Sequoia Circle is the Sierra Club's recognition program for donors who make annual donations between $1,000 and $9,999 to Sierra Club, Sierra Club Foundation, or the Environmental Law Program, which is funded by the Sierra Club Foundation.

Like the iconic tree that has graced our logo for over 130 years, these passionate conservationists stand strong. Whether supporting our historic programs to make the outdoors accessible to everyone or addressing urgent threats like the climate crisis, Sequoia Circle donors make measurable impacts on the Earth and all of us who live here.

In return, Sierra Club ensures that our Sequoia Circle donors are always informed about the way their funds are invested. Impact reports and online issue forums offer Sequoia Circle members a better understanding of our strategies and stories behind the scenes. Every Sequoia Circle member has an assigned personal liaison to answer questions or take feedback. In that way, we can center our members in the same way our logo centers the Sequoia.

Join us and become part of the circle.

Like the group of passionate conservationists who founded the Sierra Club over 100 years ago, the commitment of Sequoia Circle Society donors to the Sierra Club and its mission is extraordinary.

What do my donations support?

Through Sequoia and Summit Circle funds, Sierra Club pushes major financial institutions to reduce their investments in fossil fuels and to use their power to help accelerate the transition to a clean energy economy.

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Engagement Opportunities

Sequoia Circle Members receive special opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals while reaching towards their own philanthropic goals.

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Join Today

Whether you invest in the Sierra Club, Sierra Club Foundation, Environmental Law program, or a local chapter, you’re investing in public lands and wildlife, clean air and water, fighting the causes and effects of the climate crisis, and supporting a just and equitable democracy.

Sierra Club Foundation

Make Your Sequoia Circle Annual Donation

Sierra Club
Columbia River Gorge 
Donate to The Sierra Club, the nation's largest and most effective grassroots environmental organization. Donations to Sierra Club are not tax deductible.
Sierra Club Foundation
Make a tax-deductible donation to the Foundation for a healthy planet.
Environmental Law Program
Join the John Muir Society  
Make a tax-deductible donation to The Environmental Law Program, the nation's leader in grassroots environmental litigation.
Monthly Giving
Join the John Muir Society  
Join Sequoia Circle as a monthly donor to Sierra Club or Sierra Club Foundation, with your monthly donation of $83.33 or more.

For more information, please contact the Sequoia Circle Concierge in your region:

Michael Ahn
West Coast donors from Washington to California
Cory TenBrink
Serving donors from Ohio to Nevada and everywhere in between (Hawaii and Alaska as well)
Robert Kowsaluk
Serving the East Coast donors from Maine to Florida