Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice

Environmental Justice

Our Mission: To discuss and explore the linkages between environmental quality and social justice, and to promote dialogue, increased understanding, and appropriate action.

Former Sierra Club president Aaron Mair speaks at a historic Mississippi March for Justice.

About Our Program

At the Sierra Club, we are diligently working to explore the integration of social justice and environmental concerns. Our program seeks to provide an effective framework for addressing the damage, risk, and discrimination facing so many communities today.

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Over a decade after Hurricane Katrina made landfall, the Gulf Coast still fights for the most basic of rights: to return home, breathe clean air, and drink clean water.
June 4, 2021

Washington, DC— This week, President Biden declared June National Immigrant Heritage Month, calling on Americans to learn more about the history of immigrant communities and to highlight the ways in which immigrants have enriched our country.

21 de mayo de 2021

El Presidente Biden hizo hoy una contraoferta a los congresistas republicanos, dando un paso atrás en su plan de infraestructura y en la crucial financiación necesaria para emprender un cambio transformativo que fomente aire y agua más limpios,…

April 23, 2021

National-- On Friday at 1PST/4EST  the Sierra Club will host an Instagram Live discussion and performance with Hop Hopkins (Director of Organizational Transformation, Sierra Club) and  Joshua Henry (Tony-nominated actor and singer) . Their…

21 de abril de 2021

El director ejecutivo del Sierra Club, Michael Brune, y el presidente del Capítulo North Star de Minnesota del Sierra Club, Kamau Wilkins, emitieron el siguiente comunicado tras anunciarse que Darek Chauvin, el exoficial de policía que asesinó a…

9 de abril de 2021

El Presidente Biden formalmente presentó su primera propuesta presupuestaria al Congreso.