Press Releases

September 28, 2019

Duluth, MN -- Nearly 1,000 people gathered today on the shores of Gichi-gami—Lake Superior— for a rally and march to express their ongoing opposition to Enbridge’s Line 3 tar sands pipeline. The crowd expressed appreciation to the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency for yesterday's denial of a key water crossing permit for the pipeline, and urged the Walz administration to continue to do everything in their power to ensure that this pipeline is never built. 

September 27, 2019

St. Paul, MN -- Today, the Minnesota Pollution Control Agency (PCA) dealt yet another setback to Enbridge’s controversial proposed Line 3 tar sands pipeline when it denied a key water crossing permit for the pipeline. This could set the timeline for the proposed pipeline back by six months or longer.

September 24, 2019

Los Angeles, CA -- Today, the Los Angeles County Department of Regional Planning released an initial draft update to the safety standards governing the Inglewood Oil Field, the largest urban oil field in the country. 

September 23, 2019

As a result of a legal challenge to a massive proposed petrochemical facility in Belmont County, the company behind the project will implement several critical air pollution concerns that state regulators failed to address.

September 19, 2019

Western Environmental Law Center, Wilderness Workshop, Western Colorado Alliance, Natural Resources Defense Council, and the Sierra Club recently won an important victory in Federal District Court. The lawsuit challenged BLM’s 2015 Resource Management Plan (the plan) for the Colorado River Valley Field Office (CRVFO). The suit contested the plan’s prioritization of oil and gas development over all other uses, as well as BLM’s failure to consider the climate impacts of drilling thousands of new gas wells on our local public lands.

September 19, 2019

Houston, TX -- NextDecade, the company behind the proposed Rio Grande LNG fracked gas export facility at the Port of Brownsville, is reportedly partnering with Canadian pipeline operator Enbridge to build the double Rio Bravo Pipeline to feed the facility. 

September 12, 2019

Baytown, TX -- A group of 22 Greenpeace protesters have formed a blockade on the Fred Hartman Bridge in Baytown, Texas, blocking the transport of oil and gas through the country’s largest fossil fuel thoroughfare for 24 hours.   The action comes ahead of the third Democratic primary debate, happening tonight in Houston. 

September 11, 2019

Washington, DC -- Today, the U.S. House of Representatives passed bills banning offshore drilling in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans and Florida’s Gulf Coast. 

September 10, 2019

Great Falls, MT— Conservation groups expanded their federal lawsuit today challenging the Trump administration’s illegal approval of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. The groups are suing the Army Corps of Engineers over its streamlined approval of the pipeline, and today added claims challenging the Corps’ failure to ensure that endangered species would not be harmed by the project.  

September 6, 2019

A crowd of local activists, joined by representatives from the Gwich’in Steering Committee,, and the Sierra Club, gathered last night outside an oil and gas industry gathering in San Diego to express opposition to drilling in the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge.