Sustainable Transportation

The DC Sierra Club advocated for urban redevelopment of the Southeast Federal Center. Today, the new Canal Park filters local buildings' runoff and provides year-round activities.

Transportation is the District’s second leading source of GHG emissions, accounting for 21% of such emissions. Therefore, meeting our national and local climate goals and improving air quality and health require both shifting more trips away from vehicles and making sure that vehicle trips—including those on transit vehicles—are powered by clean energy.

The Sierra Club DC Chapter’s Sustainable Transportation Committee envisions a transportation system that enables everyone to move around the District in healthy, safe, and sustainable ways. We take action to decrease climate disrupting emissions, improve air quality, and increase traffic safety in the District by campaigning for dependable public transit, safer bike and pedestrian infrastructure, and the rapid electrification of transportation.

Our current priorities include:

  • Funding the Washington Metropolitan Area Transit Authority (WMATA) like the priority it should be. We are on the steering committee of the Fund Metro! coalition campaign.
  • Electrifying WMATA’s fleet of nearly 1,600 buses as soon as possible. We are part of the Metro Electric Bus Coalition.
  • Ensuring the necessary infrastructure to meet the District’s electric vehicle goals. 
  • Addressing the twin environmental justice crises of roadway air pollution and traffic deaths. We are a member of the DC Transportation Equity Network (DC TEN).
  • Implementing the Low Stress Network of protected bike lanes in DC.
  • Supporting measures that lower car speeds, enforce traffic fines, and take cars with repeat offenses off the road.
  • Addressing car use to reflect its true costs with measures such as congestion pricing, parking minimums, and car-free zones. 

Our testimonies for District Department of Transportation (DDOT) and WMATA oversight hearings further recap the issues we are monitoring. 

We recently supported WMATA’s successful $104 million federal grant application for its zero-emission transition, helped unveil Metro’s first electric bus during National Drive Electric Week, and testified for the Comprehensive Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Access, Readiness, and Sustainability Amendment Act. 

How to Get Involved

Now, we need your help to build on our progress! Together, with your voice, we can make sustainable public transportation take on a greater share of the trips that people make every day in the District. 

We meet on the second Tuesday of every month. RSVP below for our next monthly meeting.

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