Demand Convenient Compost in DC!

Have you seen the drop off compost tables at the farmers markets and wondered why the District of Columbia doesn’t offer convenient curbside compost pickup? Sign our compost petition demanding curbside compost pickup and readily available compost drop-off sites in all Wards. It's time the Mayor and the Department of Public Works get serious about composting in the District and now you can make your voice heard!

Why is composting important? Food scraps in landfills make METHANE as they break down. Methane is much worse than carbon dioxide for global warming. Incinerating food scraps makes air pollution as well as greenhouse gasses. (Sadly, a lot of DC trash goes to an incinerator in Lorton, VA.)

About half of trash could be composted, leading to a significant reduction in greenhouse gas emission and air pollution. COMPOST is a highly valuable product. It adds nutrients that plants need to grow, it filters pollutants that would otherwise enter the water supply, and protects against erosion

Want to know more about our Sierra Club DC Zero Waste subcommittee campaign? Or want to find out how you can compost in the District now? Check out the information and links at our compost campaign webpage.

And don’t forget to sign our compost  petition and pass it on. 

Please also share your support for compost services by commenting on the Draft Zero Waste DC Framework which will be developed into DC’s Zero Waste Plan based on residents’ feedback. Comments accepted through October 7, 2022. To access and comment on the Zero Waste DC Plan's Draft Framework, visit the Department of Public Works web page for the Zero Waste DC Plan