DC Chapter Leadership Election

The Sierra Club DC Chapter holds elections in the fourth quarter of each year for two-year terms on the chapter’s executive committee. The chapter’s executive committee recently approved the following schedule for the 2021 elections:

  • Deadline to submit names to nominating committee for consideration: September 24
  • Deadline to submit petitions: October 20
  • Nominations committee submits list of nominees to executive committee: October 27
  • Deadline for membership eligibility to vote in election: November 1
  • Close of election: December 15

If you are interested in running or would like to suggest another person, or if you have any questions about the election, please email chair@dc.sierraclub.org and vice.chair@dc.sierraclub.org.

To be eligible to vote in the election, you must be a Sierra Club member as of October 31, 2021.