DC Chapter Applauds Step Toward Zero-Emissions Vehicles

Mayor Muriel Bowser
John A. Wilson Building
1350 Pennsylvania Avenue, NW
Washington, DC 20004

Dear Mayor Bowser,

The Sierra Club DC Chapter extends our congratulations and appreciation to you for recently signing a joint Memorandum of Understanding (MOU), along with the governors of 15 other states, to advance and accelerate the market toward zero-emissions medium- and heavy-duty vehicles, with the long-term goal of ensuring 100% of all such vehicle sales will be zero-emission by 2050 and an interim goal of 30% by 2030.

The Sierra Club views both clean transportation and environmental justice as core priorities for the District. This MOU, in addition to the clean transportation targets established in the Clean Energy DC Omnibus Act of 2018, displays a commitment to reducing pollution emissions from our city’s vehicle transportation system as well as protecting public health, particularly in communities with heavy truck traffic that have long endured higher levels of pollutants such as particulate matter and smog. Most often, these communities are low-income and communities of color that are located near major trucking corridors and distribution hubs.

As a non-binding agreement, this MOU is an initial step, but an important one that sends a meaningful signal. The Sierra Club looks forward to reviewing the Task Force’s ensuing Action Plan and supporting the District government in making measurable progress in cleaning up medium- and heavy-duty vehicles in the District. For this MOU to succeed, we expect it to be backed by clear rules, timelines, and appropriate enforcement in the District, and hope for opportunities for cooperation and public input in the future. DC has a particular opportunity to show leadership on this initiative by electrifying its District-owned fleets including school and transit buses. We look forward to continued progress on this crucial goal.


Claire August, Clean Transportation Subcommittee
Lucas Godshalk, Clean Transportation Subcommittee Co-Chair
Andrew Moiseff, Clean Transportation Subcommittee Co-chair
Chris Geldart, Director, Department of Public Works
Michael Carter, Deputy Director of Operations, Department of Public Works
Brian Lawrence, Administrator, Fleet Management Administration
Tommy Wells, Director, Department of Energy and the Environment
Councilmember Mary Cheh, Chair, Committee on Transportation and the Environment