Sierra Club Asks Washington Gas for Gas Leak Data

John O’Brien
Executive Vice President for Strategy and Public Affairs
Washington Gas

Dear Mr. O’Brien,

We write to request Washington Gas data on the locations, dates and severity of gas leaks in the District of Columbia. These data are maintained by Washington Gas in the Leak Identification, Detection and Repair, and Odor Complaints (LIDAROC) database.[1]

DC residents have a right to know the impact the District’s energy decisions have on them, and DC residents deserve access to information regarding emissions that could affect their health.

The District requires that the gas utility record all gas leaks in the LIDAROC database within five days and that the database be updated when the issue is resolved. The database must be shared with the DC Public Service Commission and the DC Office of People’s Counsel on a quarterly basis.[2]

Washington Gas stated in a filing with the DC Public Service Commission last October that it was "examining the efficacy and prudence of establishing an online, interactive map" of gas leaks in the District, though the utility said the cost of such a map would be substantial.[3] We are not requesting such a map. The information in simple raw data form will suffice.

We look forward to hearing back from you about how we can access the data on gas leaks.


Mark Rodeffer
Co-Chair, Beyond Gas Subcommittee

Matthias Paustian
Co-Chair, Beyond Gas Subcommittee

[1] District of Columbia Municipal Regulations, §15-3702

[2] District of Columbia Municipal Regulations, §15-3702