Gas-Powered Leaf Blowers Contribute to Climate Change & Harm Public Health

Catherine Plume
DC Chapter of the Sierra Club
before the
D.C Council Committee of the Whole
July 2, 2018
John A. Wilson Building, Room 412

I’m Catherine Plume, a lifelong environmentalist, a board member and Conservation Chair of the DC Chapter of the Sierra Club, a member of the Chapter’s Zero Waste Committee, blogger and tweeter for the DC Recycler, and a 20-year resident of Ward 6.

I am here today to testify on behalf of the DC Chapter of the Sierra Club regarding the bill (B22-234) known as the Leaf Blower Regulation Amendment Act of 2017. The DC Chapter of the Sierra Club supports this bill as we feel that the negative health impacts of these machines – especially on workers – should be our primary concern.

The emissions from these very inefficient gas-powered machines contribute to climate change and health issues, and this is of great concern to the Club. However, we acknowledge (sadly) that the Federal Clean Air Act pre-empts most states and cities from regulating emissions from non-road machinery and that the D.C. City Council can’t lawfully base enactment of the bill on a desire to control harmful emissions from gas blowers, their contribution to air pollution, climate change, etc. Given these limitations mandated by law, we urge the Council to legislatively phase out gas-powered leaf blowers to protect the District’s citizens - especially landscape workers - from harmful and invasive noise. For the Sierra Club, this is as much an environmental justice issue as it is an environmental issue.

Many of the workers who are subjected to this noise are first-generation Americans. Landscaping is an entry level job in this area, and many workers struggle with English. Even assuming they understand the dangers that they’re exposing themselves to by performing their jobs using gas blowers, most lack the employment security to be able to ask their employers to provide safer equipment. And, the noise from these leaf blowers is a nuisance – and has negative health impacts for workers and for residents. Experts will testify to this point today.

There may be concerns that the requirements of this legislation could have negative financial impacts for businesses. The Sierra Club is pleased to learn that there are several landscape companies in the DMV that have opted out of using gas-powered leaf blowers. Their businesses are thriving. You’ll hear from some of them today. The Club would also not that people have maintained their yards for years – hundreds of years – without leaf blowers. Yet leaf blower use has become all too common, on even the smallest of yards. In an environmentally aware city such as DC, we suggest that a business model of “leaf-blower free” landscaping would resonate positively with many District residents and businesses and benefitting all.

Battery-powered and electric leaf blower technology is ever- evolving and quieter, cleaner, and safer models now exist. The DC Chapter of the Sierra Club supports legislation that will require the use of these newer models that will emit less noise and/or air pollution and that will result in better and safer conditions for workers and residents. We urge the Council to pass such legislation.

Thank you for the opportunity to testify.