DC Earns Gold as a Bike-Friendly City

On March 5 the League of American Bicyclists awarded Washington DC gold status for its accomplishments in providing a safe and convenient environment for bicyclists. Perviously the city had been awarded silver status by the League. DC became the first large eastern city to earn gold status. By comparison, New York, Boston, Philadelphia, Arlington, and Alexandria all earned silver status from the League.

The League's highest award levels are platinum and diamond. In the U.S. only Portland, Oregon, and Davis, California, have earned platinum status, while no U.S city has earned diamond status. The typical European city would likely receive a platinum award.

DC earned gold because of its miles of added facilities, bicycle sharing, low speed limits, large Bike to Work Day celebration, bike-friendly laws, automatic traffic enforcement, high mode share, compliance with a recent bike plan, and DC Public Schools' universal bicycle education for second graders.