DC Sierra Club urges safer bicycling conditions on New York Ave NE

The Sierra Club's Washington DC chapter recently issued the following statement regarding DDOT's New York Avenue Streetscape and Trail Project.

17 May 2017

The Washington DC Chapter of the Sierra Club supports efforts to improve the bicycle infrastructure on or near New York Avenue NE. Currently, the corridor is extremely inhospitable to bicyclists. Any of the current proposals by DDoT would greatly enhance bicycle access to and through the area.

Any bicycle infrastructure improvements to New York Avenue itself, however, should include improvements to the adjacent bridge over the railroad tracks. Unless the bridge itself becomes easier for cyclists to cross, any infrastructure improvements east of the bridge will largely be for naught.

Also, bicycle infrastructure improvements on the north side of New York Avenue should not preclude the development of the proposed VRE rail yard. The proposed rail yard will be very beneficial to the many thousands of daily commuters who ride the VRE.

The bike infrastructure can always be placed on the south side of New York Avenue. It is not nearly so easy to find an alternative location for the VRE rail yard.


Brad Green
Washington DC Chapter
Sierra Club