DC Sierra Club urges dedicated streetcar lanes through downtown DC

The District of Columbia chapter of the Sierra Club continues to support the expansion of the District's east-west streetcar line as a crucial way to improve zero-emissions multimodal mobility across the District. The chapter issued the following statement with regard to recent design refinements presented for a western extension of the existing streetcar line.

10 May 2017

District Department of Transportation
50 M St SE
Washington DC 20003

The District of Columbia chapter of the Sierra Club is writing to express our strong continued support for the DC Streetcar project. Specifically, we reaffirm our call for the extension of the H Street line east to the Benning Road Metro station and west to Georgetown. In regards to the Union Station to Georgetown expansion project, we urge the District Department of Transportation to embrace Alternative 4, which maximizes the use of dedicated streetcar lanes and rapid recharging capability.

Since its inaugural trip in 2016, the DC Streetcar service has steadily improved, gaining ridership, becoming a crucial transit option along the H Street corridor and an important spoke in the District’s multi-modal transportation vision. By expanding the line, riders will have an uninterrupted link from Benning Road across the Anacostia River, to H Street, Union Station, Mount Vernon Square, K Street, Foggy Bottom, and Georgetown. The chapter continues to believe that streetcars in dedicated transit lanes remain the best near-term way to substantially increase transit capacity across the District. A crosstown streetcar line would make it easier to get across congested downtown DC, facilitate continued growth in the central city, provide an alternative to crowded Metro lines, and create an opportunity to reimagine K Street as a beautiful urban promenade.

Further, off-wire battery technology is improving and is an effective feature of transit systems in other jurisdictions including Copenhagen and Madrid. While we support the expansion of the H St.-Benning line regardless of whether the streetcar is powered through on- or off-line propulsion, the off-line battery technology will not encumber views, a concern held by some District residents.  By utilizing this technology, the District will continue to establish itself as a leader in utilizing effective transit technology. We maintain, however, that, discussions over propulsion technology should not delay expansion of the streetcar line – planning and construction must continue whether propulsion is achieved by on- or off-wire system. We also recommend that bike lanes be maintained between Wisconsin Ave. and 30th St. NW, assure that cyclists continue to have a safe lane in which to ride.

Additionally, the chapter commends the Mayor for maintaining a commitment to DC Streetcar funding in the budget. This funding will help to ensure that the Streetcar system expansion will continue as planned, which is especially important given the potential threat of federal transportation funding cuts.

We appreciate the opportunity to comment on the DC Streetcar project. By constructing a streetcar system that serves all areas of the District, we will continue to be a beacon of innovation and smart growth for visitors to and residents of our nation’s capital.

Sincerely yours,

Payton Chung
Board member and chair of Smart Growth Committee
Sierra Club - Washington, DC Chapter