New Requirements on Food Packaging

 Recyclable and Compostable Food Container Rules

Who does this apply to?

  • The places covered by the regulation range from restaurants, food trucks, and grocery stores, to companies offering free coffee to clients.
  • To read DOEE’s extensive listing of examples of regulated entities, click here.

What items are considered recyclable or compostable?

  • The list of acceptable materials mostly matches up with the Mayor’s List of Recyclables and Compostables, which was issued by the DC Department of Public Works to be effective in 2018. There are differences between the two lists because DOEE’s accounts for private recycling markets or companies that accept items like cutlery, straws, plastic stirrers, and some plastic films. Note: compostable materials are allowed even though DC commercial entities aren’t required to compost. Click here to find out about the Zero Waste Committee's efforts to convince businesses to compost.
  • Compliant products include rigid plastic containers, coffee/soda/soup cups and lids, and pizza boxes. Noncompliant products include paper containers coated with aluminum and paper bags with a plastic window.
  • To read DOEE’s extensive listing of compliant and noncompliant items, click here.


The requirements do not apply to food or beverages packaged outside the District, materials used to package raw meat, or disposable food service ware purchased for personal use.