Meet our new Chapter Organizer, Rebekah Whilden!

Hello Sierra Club! My name is Rebekah Whilden; as the DC Chapter’s new Chapter Organizer, I'll be working to advocate for sustainability and the environment in DC alongside our members, supporters, and activists in DC.


Tackling Transportation Issues

On average, people in DC spend 74 hours each year sitting in traffic. 74 hours! That’s enough time for me to watch all the episodes of ‘The Wire’ and still have time for an entire season of ‘The West Wing.’ In my home state of North Carolina, where public transit is often a point of contention, I drove a lot. Now, living in DC without a car, I see similar challenges facing our community--but there are also great opportunities!

Over the past several years, the DC Chapter has advocated for a streetcar line on H Street. My second night in the city, I took a ride. Not only did it come within a few minutes, but it was clean, fast, and (for a limited time) free. Now the DC Chapter is leading efforts in the District to complete a crosstown streetcar from Union Station to Georgetown, much needed structural improvements to the Hopscotch and Benning bridges, and for electric busses. Wouldn’t it be nice to have multiple efficient and sustainable options for getting to across town? I think so.


Simple Sustainable Practices

As you might remember, the DC Chapter of the Sierra Club was instrumental in convincing the District to ban Styrofoam in 2014; since the ban was enacted, the food service industry has been required to use disposable containers that are either compostable or recyclable. This was a huge win for the DC Chapter, much like the ‘Bag Law’ which has kept trash out of our rivers, or our expansion of DC’s renewable and clean energy requirements.

I’ll work with Chapter leaders to educate our members and the public on simple ways that DC residents can do their part. From not getting charged that extra 5 cents at the grocery store because you brought your own bag, to taking a reusable water bottle to work. Believe me, every small deed does make a difference.


That Said, I’m Not Wonder Woman

I did dress up as Wonder Woman for Halloween one year, but I can assure you that I in no way have her superpowers. This is where you come in. In the coming weeks, I’ll be meeting with members and allies from across the District and introducing myself. The DC Chapter is a strong and diverse community. It’s my honor to work alongside members of our community as we advocate for sustainability throughout the District.

I can’t be successful without you joining us for a couple of hours. I may not have Wonder Woman’s strength, but with all of us working together, we can help make DC a leader on the environment and an ever better place to live, work, and play.


Please visit the DC Sierra Club website, where you’re sure to find something that catches your eye! Send me an email at to introduce yourself and learn how you can volunteer, and if you can, support our efforts with a contribution.


I can’t wait to see that we can accomplish together. Let’s get started!