Sierra Club launches a 100% renewable energy campaign

The Sierra Club's new Ready for 100 campaign kicked off with a surprise action during the U.S. Conference of Mayors in Washington, D.C. held from January 21-23, with a bold challenge: to get 100 U.S. cities to commit to 100% renewable energy. We’re advocating for ambitious leadership at the local level and amplifying progress to make 100% clean energy “the new normal.” Stay tuned as more unfolds
As the United States Conference of Mayors draws in city leaders from across America, we are proud to announce the launch of the #ReadyFor100 percent clean energy campaign! Cleaner, cheaper, healthier energy is here and it’s time for leaders across the U.S. to commit to 100% clean and renewable energy for all. Join us and sign the petition to tell your mayor you're #ReadyFor100 in DC!

READY FOR 100 is a movement of people working to inspire our leaders to embrace a vision of healthier communities powered by 100% clean energy. We are asking mayors, CEOs, pastors, principals, civic and community leaders, parents and students to commit to solutions that help us achieve 100% clean, renewable energy across the United States by the year 2050. Join us at: 

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