The Latest on 16th St. Bus Lanes

Excerpted from the website of the Coalition for Smarter Growth (see, posted February 3:

Following up from the January 21 public meeting, DC officials are reviewing comments from DC residents, including hundreds of Coalition for Smarter Growth supporters (including many Sierra Club members).

After they've taken feedback into account, DC transportation officials will finalize their draft recommended alternative for improving bus service on 16th Street. We expect that finalized recommendation within the next month or so.

At that point, implementation should start in earnest. Though it will be several years before we would see dedicated rush hour bus lanes, we would see other improvements in the 18 months, including transit signal priority for the S9 express bus.

See more information on the District Department of Transportation (DDOT) project page, in the online materials from the January 21 public meeting, or on CSG's 16th St bus lane page.

We'll let you know when the recommendation for 16th Street is finalized, and if there have been any major changes. At this point we are optimistic that we're going to take a big step forward for better buses in DC.