Environmental Movie Night

Last week, the DC Chapter sponsored the screening of a new environmental movie released by Discovery Channel called "Racing Extinction".  The story involves a team of artists and activists who expose the hidden world of extinction with never-before-seen images that will change the way people see the planet. Two worlds drive extinction across the globe, potentially resulting in the loss of half of all species. The international wildlife trade creates bogus markets at the expense of creatures that have survived on this planet for millions of years. And the other surrounds us, hiding in plain sight — a world that the oil and gas companies don’t want the rest of us to see. Using covert tactics and state-of-the-art technology, the Racing Extinction team exposes these two worlds in an inspiring affirmation to preserve life as we know it. From the Academy Award® Winning Filmmakers of "The Cove."  For more info on the movie, see http://racingextinction.com/

In our discussion after the movie, we came up with a few things that we can all do to mitigate the problem of species extinction:

  • eat only fish caught sustainably (see http://oceana.org/living-blue/sustainable-seafood-guide
  • donate to population control programs
  • grow more of your own food
  • eat less (or no) meat - give those without a voice a champion!
  • teach lessons on sustainability with doodad rescue alliance
  • no pedigree pets and spay/neuter your cats/dogs

Maybe you can add your own action to this list - let us know!