People's Climate Movement - March for Climate Action - October 14

Last year, hundreds of thousands of students, faith leaders, workers, immigrants, indigenous people, environmentalists and parents came to New York City for the biggest mobilization on climate ever held - the People's Climate March
This year, on October 14th, it's time to keep building what we started there. Not just in New York, but in communities all over the country, including right here in DC. RSVP here to join us from 4.30-6.00 on Wed Oct 14, to demand a safe climate and a fair economy.
There couldn't be a more urgent time. Families in drought-stricken California are running out of water to wash dishes and take showers. Homes in Washington have been lost to the largest wildfires in history. Workers in Miami go to work on streets flooded by rising seas. Here in DC, the toxic fumes from trucks and incinerators are breathed disproportionately by the city's low-income communities and communities of color.
But we can change this. This December, world leaders will meet in Paris to negotiate a global climate agreement. It's a chance to face this crisis head-on and give the people the clean air and safe homes they deserve. But the big oil and coal companies are putting huge pressure on our leaders to do nothing, again. 
That's why we in DC are going to take the fight to the oil barons' doorstep. At rush hour on Wednesday Oct 14th, we'll march to the American Petroleum Institute's offices on K St to show them that they may try to buy our democracy and destroy our homes, but we won't let their dirty deeds go unnoticed. Join the fight, and RSVP here.
These oil barons are the same people who are traveling to the Paris talks to oppose clean air and climate justice, while American taxpayers foot the bill. The same people trying to sell out American workers in secret global trade deals. The same people who spend millions to try and buy politicians and corrupt our democracy. 
So on October 14th we'll show up at their offices at 4:30 PM to show them what climate injustice looks like. From there, we'll march to City Hall to lift up and celebrate the work of local leaders fighting for climate justice here in DC. RSVP here to join us.
Together, we can win clean air, living wages and a healthy democracy. But only if we, the people, stand together and fight. For updates on plans for this event, see