Construction of Klingle Hiker-Biker Trail begins!

The DC Chapter is proud to relay the news that contractors hired by DDOT have begun construction of the .7-mile trail was mandated by vote of the Council in 2008.
John Campbell and Steve Solomon and I have been discreetly following developments, opting not to splash around news of interim steps (e.g., contract signing) and thereby mess things up.  The die now appears to have been cast.

Old-timers will recall that we've been fighting for this (and, chiefly, against the reconstruction of Klingle Road), on and off since 1994.  Our darkest day was in 2003, when the Council voted to rebuild the road.  Obviously, we were able to reverse that decision.

An event will be held in the next couple of months to mark the occasion.  Please contact me if you'd like to help.  Other work lies ahead, such as working to assure proper lighting and signage along the trail.  We would also like to see benches installed in the names of Beth Daley and Tim Russert, Klingle activists who have passed away since the mid-point of the campaign.  We could use help with this work as well.

Since the 1960s, every attempt to build a road through national park land in DC has been stopped (Three Sisters Bridge, Glover-Archbold road at Van Ness, Barney Circle project, and now Klingle).

Online article at: