DC Attorney General's Office Opposes Exelon's Takeover of Pepco

The D.C. Attorney General’s Office has sent a letter to the PSC opposing the Exelon takeover of Pepco.

See this Washington Post story about it, published last night: http://www.washingtonpost.com/local/dc-politics/district-officials-weigh-in-against-pepco-exelon-merger/2015/06/01/2a9b309c-088d-11e5-95fd-d580f1c5d44e_story.html.  Mayor Bowser’s spokesman, Michael Czin, says the letter speaks for the District.  

Also yesterday, on WAMU, Council Member Mary Cheh says D.C. should consider replacing Pepco with a municipally-owned electric utility, similar to D.C. Water: http://wamu.org/news/15/06/01/what_if_pepco_was_replaced_with_a_city_owned_electric_utility