Help DC Stop the Pepco Takeover by Exelon

The Chicago-based energy giant Exelon is trying to stage a takeover of Pepco, the utility that serves Washington, DC and nearby communities in Maryland. It’s a bad deal for all of us.  

Our concern with the the merger is it would give Exelon a near-monopoly in the region, resulting in reduced competition, increased electricity costs, and obstacles to renewable energy and increased efficiency. Exelon has demonstrated they view both renewable power and efficiency as threats to the sale of power from their generating plants.
The merger would also shift the big decisions about the District’s grid to Chicago.  As a part of the deal, DC ratepayers become hooked up with Exelon’s fleet of aging nuclear power plants, which is a costly liability and serious financial risk to Exelon.  That's a big part of the reason that Exelon is buying Pepco - to dilute the financial risk of their nukes. Why should DC ratepayers accept this risk to insulate Exelon from the consequences of a failing business model?  

There’s still time to stop this takeover. The DC Public Service Commission (PSC) is holding their final hearing on Jan. 20.  Please consider signing up to testify against the merger, and helping us to send a message to the PSC that this risky deal is not in the public interest, and District residents oppose it.

Click here to sign up to testify against the merger

People from all walks of life have already strongly come out in opposition to this one-sided deal for stockholders. At the first PSC public hearing, testimony against Exelon’s more expensive and less reliable service lasted for five hours.  The recent hearing held on January 12 saw more opponents voice opposition - see this link for a summary of key remarks.

This merger will adversely affect everyone in the District.  Together we can stop it!

The Sierra Club's Energy Committee can help you prepare testimony. Check out this site: or email us at to learn more. District residents may also send a message to the PCS via this link if you can't attend the hearing to testify in person. 

ABOUT POWER DC: Power DC is a coalition of DC citizens, business leaders and community advocates opposed to the purchase of Pepco by Exelon. Its members represent electricity customers from across the District of Columbia concerned about electricity prices, reliability, renewable and efficient energy and local control over our energy supply.  Sign on to the declaration in opposition to the takeover of Pepco.