Will you help keep our movement growing?

Today, more young organizers than ever are running savvy campaigns and changing policies at the local, state and national level. This summer, hundreds will take part in our award-winning grassroots leadership training program to learn the skills they need to launch campaigns, and I thought you might know someone who would be interested.

These trainings are run by, and for, young movement leaders like myself, and are appropriate for all youth from ages 14 and up, and they do not have to be current students.

Does this sound like someone you know? Click here to let me know who they are.

For more than 20 years, Sierra Club has trained and empowered youth with the skills, knowledge, and confidence they need to win campaigns for sustainability, climate and justice through a program called Sprog.

I started "organizing" when I was a high school student, but I didn't know to call it that, and I certainly didn't know how to make real the change I envisioned for my community. It wasn't until several years had passed of lively but misguided meetings and rallies that I found out that organizing was a practice that could be studied and refined. I feel so grateful now to play a role in connecting hundreds of young people each year to the same time-tested tools that helped changeagents like Martin Luther King, Jr. and Cesar Chavez make their mark on the world.

Help keep our grassroots movement growing. Nominate a youth leader from your community today.

Thanks for all you do for the future of our environment,

Tim Harlan-Marks
Youth Trainings and Leadership Development Director
Sierra Club

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