Spread the Word: KXL is All Risk and No Reward

Over two million activists like you spoke out against the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline this spring -- historic!

The State Department will read every one of those comments, but it could be months before they make their final recommendation to President Obama about the pipeline.

We're not going to spend those months twiddling our thumbs.Last week, Michael Brune -- the Sierra Club's executive director -- testified before the U.S. Senate against Keystone XL. We were proud of the great job he did representing millions of concerned citizens, but that hearing was just the tip of the iceberg. From big events in April to raising our voices online, it's time to take the climate movement's message outside the Senate walls and spread it across the whole country!

We still have time to stop Keystone XL! Will you draw a line in the tar sands and share a quote from Mike's great Senate speech with your friends and family?

It's a simple message, and it's one the whole country needs to hear: "Keystone XL jeopardizes our drinking water, farmland, climate, and health. The sad truth is that the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is all risk and no reward."

Mike dropped a lot of truth on the Senate. [1] He reminded them that just one tar sands spill in Michigan fouled more than 35 miles of river -- and that 3.5 years and $1 billion later, it still hasn't been cleaned up.

He shared the science and pointed out that by avoiding any talk of climate safety, the State Department is blindingly clear on one point: The Keystone XL tar sands pipeline is not compatible with a climate-safe world.

And he told them that he's raising his three kids to stay focused on the goals they set -- which means we can't let the President abandon his clean energy goals or climate promises.

President Obama made a promise. If we remind him of that every day, he'll know he needs to keep it -- share Mike's quote about the dangers of Keystone XL today!

In it together,

Nathan Empsall
SierraRise Senior Campaigner