2014 Chapter Board Election


This year the DC Chapter is conducting its Chapter Board Elections online. We believe that not only will this save the chapter money and natural resources (much less paper!), but it will also be easier for the large majority of members -- no pages to tear off, no envelopes and stamps! 
We have mailed postcards to all eligible voters. Each postcard has an ID number above the addressee's name. You must have this ID number in order to vote. You can use any computer to vote - your own, a public library, or even a smartphone. Note: If you did not receive your postcard and you believe you are eligible to vote (a current member as of Jan. 7, 2014), please contact Brenna Muller (brenna.muller@sierraclub.org) to verify your information and obtain your number.
Thanks in advance for participating in this election, and most important, thank you for all your support as we work together to protect and improve the District's environment for all who live and work here.