Congress: Move Forward, Not Backward, on Clean Vehicle Standards!

Photo by Robin Bell
Monday, December 4, 2023
Speaker Mike Johnson, Democratic Leader Hakeem Jeffries, and Members of the House of Representatives:
On behalf of our millions of members and supporters, we write in strong opposition to H.R. 4468, The Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act of 2023 (Walberg, MI-5), which will soon be considered by the House of Representatives.
H.R. 4468, The Choice in Automobile Retail Sales Act of 2023, aims to prohibit the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) “from finalizing, implementing, or enforcing” the Multi-Pollutant Emissions Standards for Model Years 2027 and Later Light-Duty and Medium-Duty Vehicles, the comment period of which just ended on July 5, 2023. EPA’s proposal, which, if finalized, is expected to result in $850 billion to $1.6 trillion in benefits, is necessary to reduce harmful vehicle pollution and Congress should reject short-sighted attempts to prevent the regulation from being enacted. The transportation sector is currently the largest source of greenhouse gases (GHGs), and passenger vehicles are responsible for over half of the transportation sector’s GHGs. In addition to setting technology-neutral greenhouse gas standards, EPA’s proposal also sets lower standards for smog-forming pollution and particulate matter emissions, which disproportionately harm vulnerable populations. These life-saving rules must be finalized.
Rather than recognize the twin crises of unmitigated climate change and public health impacts from transportation pollution and the transition to zero-emission vehicles underway, this bill aims to stem the tide of progress towards clean air and a healthy future. We need to move forward, not backward. H.R.4468 should be rejected outright.
Alliance of Nurses for Healthy Environments
American Council for an Energy-Efficient Economy (ACEEE)
Asthma and Allergy Foundation of America
Carolina Advocates for Climate, Health, and Equity
Center for American Progress
Center for Biological Diversity
Clean Energy for America
Clean Energy Works
Climate Action Campaign
Conservation Law Foundation
East Carolina University College of Nursing
Ecology Center (of Michigan)
Elders Climate Action
Electric Vehicle Association
Environmental Defense Action Fund
Environmental Law & Policy Center
Environmental Protection Network
EV Charging for All Coalition
Evergreen Action
Healthy Air and Water Colorado
Hip Hop Caucus
Interfaith Power & Light
League of Conservation Voters (LCV)
MI Air MI Health
Moms Clean Air Force
Mothers Out Front
National Consumer Law Center, on behalf of our low-income clients
National Wildlife Federation
Natural Resources Defense Council
North Carolina Sustainable Business Council
Plug In America
Public Citizen
Reno + Sparks Chamber of Commerce
Respiratory Health Association
Sierra Club
Southern Environmental Law Center
Union of Concerned Scientists
Zero Emission Transportation Association (ZETA)