For information about Rockland Sierra Club, contact Or call 845-709-0802.
Our public meetings are for all our members, from Westchester, Putnam, southern Orange County, and Rockland County.
We generally meet on the third Monday of the month, online, at 7 pm.
We often host speakers on environmental topics. We also discuss local issues, such as PFAS chemicals in our drinking water, and local climate actions.
Click HERE for our info about our next meeting. See below for info about recent past programs.
Dark Skies: Why Animals & People Need the Dark
Held Monday, November 18. Click HERE for the video to this meeting.

At a moment when we are facing a crisis in extinctions, scientific studies document that light pollution
disrupts wildlife and plants, impacts human health, contributes to climate change. The loss of dark skies also blocks our most ancient connection with the universe.
From the beginning of time, light and dark, day and night, have been the great clock that orchestrates life on earth. In addition to the impacts on migrating birds and all other wildlife, we are also losing part of our birthright that joins us with all the generations, the sense of awe at the stars in the night sky.
Mark Grosz, from DarkSky International, discussed the ecological impacts of the loss of dark skies.
Presented by Lower Hudson Group of Sierra Club, Rockland Audubon Society, and Rockland Astronomy Club.
On Oct. 21, 2024, Prof. Klaus Jacob spoke and took some questions. See the video link at the bottom of this post to view the event.
The devastation left by Hurricane Helene was a sharp reminder that every community is vulnerable to the impacts of extreme storms. Since Hurricane Sandy, we have seen a steady drumbeat of extreme storms locally, in the New York area, showing the devastating power of sea level rise and catastrophic flooding, even along the Hudson River communities.
Prof. Klaus Jacob will discuss the most recent findings on what we can expect in terms of sea level rise and other extreme climate disasters, including flooding, within the next few decades and further out. Prof. Klaus Jacob will explain why it’s urgent for our communities to take action now and to plan for resiliency in the face of unavoidable climate change.
Dr. Jacob is Emeritus Research Professor at Columbia University’s Lamont-Doherty Earth Observatory, Palisades NY. Jacob is a renowned earthquake, disaster and climate expert, with a focus on disaster risk management, with most current research on rising sea levels, climate change and disaster resilient megacities.
An expert on the local impacts of climate change, Prof. Jacob has served on the NYC Mayor’s Panel on Climate Change. In 2012 he was named by Time Magazine as one of “50 People Who Matter Globally” for forecasting ahead of time and in detail the impacts of a Hurricane Sandy-like super storm on New York City.
Click here to see the video.
PFAS chemicals in Rockland's water
In November of 2020, many Rockland residents received legal notices from Suez and Nyack Water utilities, informing them that toxic PFAS chemicals in their drinking water exceed New York State drinking water standards.
Since then, Sierra Club and the Rockland Water Coalition have been working to make sure that our water is cleaned up as quickly and as thoroughly as possible. We have also been working to better inform residents about PFAS chemicals.
If you are concerned about ensuring safe, clean drinking water for our community, join us!
Action steps you can take NOW:
- Call Governor Hochul and tell her to protect Rockland County residents from toxic PFAS chemicals in our drinking water. We need her leadership to safeguard our drinking water as soon as possible: 877-796-1948
- Click HERE for a science-based guide to PFAS free consumer products.
Read Riverkeeper's report about Rockland County PFAS drinking water contamination, with an analysis of the 2019 Suez well testing data, here.
Read a two-page fact sheet about PFAS chemicals here.
Read about how you can avoid exposure to PFAS here.
To read a powerful, short article about this issue, click HERE. Also see a different article below.
These actions have been sponsored by the Rockland Water Coalition, with the following partners: Environmental Advocates, Food & Water Watch, NYPIRG, Riverkeeper, Sierra Club Atlantic Chapter, Scenic Hudson
For more information, email
New Threat to Rockland's Water? PFAS contamination in the Lower Hudson Valley
Eerily reminiscent of a scene from the 2019 movie Dark Waters, Rockland residents opened a letter from Suez Water New York in November informing us that levels of perfluorooctanoic acid (PFOA) in our drinking water exceed the New York State maximum contaminant level (MCL). We were assured, however, that drinking water at these levels “does not pose a significant health risk.” Read more here.
Community Choice energy comes to Rockland!
The climate crisis is truly urgent. We are focusing our work primarily on local action on climate change: stopping gas pipelines and working for local government action on climate change particularly through two very powerful government programs. Join us to help make change happen in Rockland County!
Community Choice energy is a very exciting program that promotes renewable energy, community solar, geothermal, and electric vehicles. Click HERE to learn more!
Climate Smart Communities is a New York State program that helps communities reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change. We are working to get our communities moving ahead in this program! Click here for more information on Climate Smart Communities.
What You Can Do Now!
TAKE ACTION by doing at least one thing from the list below:
Make more of a difference by working on a committee: Outreach, Climate Smart/Safe Communities, or Divestment.
- Divestment--We are working to get the state pension fund, the four colleges in Rockland County, and individuals with investment portfolios to divest from fossil fuel holdings and to consider reinvestment in renewables. For dates, locations and details, contact
- Climate Smart Communities--Climate change is the most urgent issue of our time. We are unlikely to get action on climate change at the federal level under the Trump administration, so we are focusing our efforts on the local level, where we can most effective. The Climate Smart Communities program is a very powerful tool to reduce our carbon footprint and make our communities more resilient in the face of climate impacts such as flooding and sea level rise. We welcome people to come and work with us on this initiative, to encourage more Rockland communities to start these programs or to move them more vigorously ahead. To get involved, email or call 845 709-0802. Resource
Outreach and Education committee--Volunteer to help table at local events! To connect, please email
350NJ-Rockland and Rockland Sierra Club are thrilled to support Shades of Green, a blog by Mimi Hoffman designed to help individuals navigate the world of divestment and reinvestment. Access it here. Climate action is needed to save the planet from catastrophe. One of the most powerful tools in our arsenal is divestment/reinvestment: convincing institutions and individuals to get rid of their investments in fossil fuels and to invest instead in renewable energy sources.
But for individuals, it isn’t always easy to know what to do or how to do it. Mimi’s friendly blog can help you understand the world of personal divestment and start to take action to make your portfolio green. As suggested by the title, Shades of Green, this is not a one size fits all resource; rather, it is designed to be helpful to investors with a wide range of concerns and mindsets. And you can share your thoughts and questions as well!
READ: Jordan's letter to the Albany Times Union about the financial reasons for divestment here.
READ: a summary of the status of natural gas and crude oil pipelines in our region by clicking here.
READ: CNN's powerful editorial about the need to make the connection between climate disasters and climate change: click here.
READ: New York magazine's powerful article on climate change: click here.