Lower Hudson Group

Lower Hudson Group covers Westchester, Rockland, Putnam and southern Orange Counties in New York State’s Hudson Valley, just north of NYC. The Sierra Club is America’s earliest grassroots environmental organization, and it’s run by volunteers. We welcome your participation!

Click here to learn about our next monthly public meeting.

Lower Hudson Group joins protests against federal actions

Activists from Lower Hudson Group have been rallying despite the cold to protest recent federal actions. See more here.

Person holding sign saying DOGE


Sierra Club joins other local groups to protest federal rollbacks of environmental protections, and threats to democracy. All are welcome. Join us!

Defend the Constitution in Cold Spring

Every Saturday, 10:30am - 11:30am
Route 9D & Main St, Cold Spring, NY 10516

Demonstrators at an event in photo from the Highlands Current
(c) Ross Corsair used by permission

We hold a firm belief that our elected officials must honor their oath to the Constitution above all else.  Patriots are trying to save what the Founders built so we have the option to disagree civilly again in the future. 

We are legally allowed to stand on the sidewalk and the strip of land between the sidewalk and the road.  We are not allowed to use any amplification devices (such as a bullhorn) and can not carry anything with a stick attached to it.  We also must clear the sidewalk for any pedestrians to use it. We've made the local police aware of the ongoing weekly gatherings and they are committed to protecting everyone's First Amendment rights.

Please join us. All are welcome.

Postcard Tuesdays!

Every Tuesday, Noon - 2pm
Black Cow Coffee Company, 4 Old Post Road South, Croton, NY 10520

Meets every Tuesday through the end of March. You don't need to bring anything, just show up ready to write.

Tesla Protest Mt Kisco

Every Saturday, 1pm - 3pm
Tesla Dealership, 115 Kisco Ave, Mt Kisco, NY 10549

Bring your best signs and bring friends. The protest lets the public know about opposition to the theft of our democracy and the rampant corruption that entails.

We can also show our strong opposition to abandoning global friends and a surrendering to our enemies.

This is a few blocks from the Metro North railroad station.

Holding Congressman Lawler Accountable

Every Saturday, Noon - 1pm
Route 59 & North Middletown Road in Nanuet

We get a great turnout on Saturdays.  We do this to protest Lawler and his support for the Trump agenda.

protestor at Lawless Lawlor demo


This is a visibility campaign to make Rockland residents aware of Lawler’s ties to Musk and his duplicity parading as a moderate but voting with MAGA. Please bring friends, signs and American flags. Dress warmly and consider bringing hand and feet warmers. Hope to see you there! Organized by the Orangetown Democratic Committee.

To see a video of NY Assemblywoman Dana Levenberg's statement on Lawler's votes to cut Medicaid, click here. Be sure to turn the sound on at the bottom of the video screen.

Mock check for $1.7 million from Musk to Lawler

Westchester Political Leaders Stand up for the Environment

Senators Pete Harckham and Shelley Mayer held a press conference in Albany on March 3, 2025, to announce new legislation, the Climate Resilience Act of 2025. This bill will establish an Office of Resilience and a resilience task force to assess and identify climate-related threats and develop a statewide resiliency plan. Many communities across the state are already feeling the effects of climate change, and this inter-agency coordination plan will eliminate redundancies and deficits as New York battles the impacts of climate change.

Harckham resiliency press conference 2025 03 03

Remembering Fukushima and American Amnesia

NOAA map of Fukushima 2011 radiation plume

According to The Mayo Clinic staff two main features of amnesia are: 

  • Trouble learning new information.
  • Trouble remembering past events and previously familiar information.

That seems to be the case with Fukushima.

On March 11, 2011, the most powerful earthquake ever recorded in Japan struck off the country's eastern coast followed by an unprecedented tsunami. Reactors at the Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant site sustained major damage. Two days later the disaster caused three of the plant's six reactors to suffer a hydrogen build up which led to three subsequent explosions and released vast amounts of radioactivity. This caused radiation levels to rise in the ocean, land and atmosphere and to eventually reach the western coast of the United States.  


AOC secures $50,000 for Hutchinson River Restoration Project

By Joseph Dunnigan, posted March, 2024

On March 12th, 2024 a press release was published by Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-14) stating that she had secured over $12 million for the Bronx and Queens. Embedded within that funding was $50,000 that was set aside for the Hutchinson River Restoration Project (HRRP). 

HRRP (featured in LHG’s September – December 2023 newsletter article titled “The Hutch – A History of Taming a River”) aims to use the funding for their clean-up efforts of the Hutchinson River, that runs through Westchester and Bronx counties before emptying into the Long Island Sound. 

This river, named in honor of Anne Hutchinson and which is nicknamed ‘The Hutch,’ is in desperate need of maintenance and conservation efforts. And with this grant, The Hutch is one step closer to reverting to the lush ecosystem it once was. 

For more information about this issue and how you can help, you can visit the HRRP website at https://www.hutchinsonriver.org/.

Find Your New Election District

Are you confused about the new election districts? Do you want to find out which Congressional, NYS Senate or Assembly district you're in now? See the Redistricting & You: New York website.

Above the map is a box where you can indicate which of the three maps you wish to see. The default for the Congressional and NYS Senate districts is the FINAL Special Master map, but if you move the slider under the choices to the left, the new districts will fade out and the old districts will appear, outlined in gray.  On the right, there is a drop down menu that allows you to view various draft plans that preceded the FINAL Special Master plan.

Legislative Successes in 2024!

The 2024 legislative session saw two significant bills pass the Assembly and NYS Senate and get signed into law:

·        The Climate Superfund Act requires long-time polluters that have significantly emitted greenhouse gases to pay into a fund to be used for climate resiliency projects needed to adapt to climate change impacts. For more information, click here.

·        The CO2 Fracking Ban adds to the NY State fracking ban a new method of fracking by injecting carbon dioxide to extract methane gas and oil. This technology is portrayed by the fossil fuel industry as carbon sequestration but it actually causes more greenhouse gas emissions than it captures. For more information, click here. See the May-August issue of Terra Firma, pp. 4-5, which can be found here.

These successes were due to the hard work of environmental activists, including Sierra Club members. It was a Sierra Club member, Valdi Weiderpass, Chair of Susquehanna Group, who first brought the CO2 fracking proposal to the attention of the Atlantic Chapter and his legislators. They drafted a bill to ban the practice and got it passed with record speed. The governor signed it into law on December 21, 2024.

Volunteer with us at the Sierra Club Lower Hudson Group!

Looking to get involved in New York? There has never been a better time!  Volunteer with us at the Sierra Club Lower Hudson Group and help us create an environmentally just and clean future in New York!

Visit our Volunteer Page for more information on our teams, volunteer roles, contact information and instructions on how to express your interest. We look forward to working with you to create a better future for New York!

Meet Our Members on Video



CSC flyer

The climate crisis is truly urgent.  We are focusing our work primarily on local action on climate change: stopping gas pipelines and working for local government action on climate change particularly through two very powerful government programs.  Join us to help make change happen in Rockland County!

Community Choice energy is a very exciting program that promotes renewable energy, community solar, geothermal, and electric vehicles. Click HERE to learn more! 

Climate Smart Communities is a New York State program that helps communities reduce greenhouse gas emissions and adapt to climate change.  We are working to get our communities moving ahead in this program! Click here for more information on Climate Smart Communities.

Local Events

See Atlantic Chapter (NY State) events here.

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