About Us

Lower Hudson Group in NYC metro area map
Lower Hudson Group covers Westchester, Rockland, Putnam and southern Orange Counties in New York State’s Hudson Valley, just north of New York City. The Sierra Club is America’s earliest grassroots environmental organization, and it’s run by volunteers. We welcome your participation!

Public Events and Meetings

Visit our Events page for listings about public meetings and about other important happenings.

Activist Meetings/Executive Committee Meetings - Monthly

Join us to discuss local, regional and national environmental issues and actions to deal with them, and our standing agenda items on fundraising, newsletter, etc. All Sierra Club members are welcome to attend any of these meetings. Visit our Events page for more info.

Congratulations to the new LHG Executive Committee members!

Thank you for voting in last fall's 2023 election for Lower Hudson Group Executive Committee!

The following members were elected to two-year terms in 2023 and took their seats at the first LHG meeting of the year on January 9, 2024: Sarah Wilson, Marilyn Elie, Linda Brunner, Joseph Dunnigan, George Klein.

They joined ExCom members who were in the middle of their two-year terms: Ed Berry, Peggy Kurtz, and Liam Robb O'Hagan. Gail Dutan was appointed at the 1/9/24 meeting to complete the second year of Martha Upton's term, since Martha resigned.

Activists in the Lower Hudson Group

Edward Berry* Political Chair berryed3@gmail.com 914.393.6196
Linda Brunner* Publicity Chair, Conservation Co-chair loki.lamb@gmail.com 914.476.5898
Laura Burkhardt Election Coordinator lfburkhardt@att.net 914-922-1407
Joseph Dunnigan* Newsletter Co-Editor joseph.dunnigan@aol.com  
Gail Dutan* Newsletter Design printcraftmam@yahoo.com 845.742.4544
Marilyn Elie* Energy Co-chair, Group Delegate to Chapter Excom eliewestcan@gmail.com 914.954.6739
Suzannah Glidden Gas Pipeline Activist suzannahglidden@optonline.net 914.485.1052
George Klein* Vice Chair, Newsletter Co-Editor, Co-Webmaster lowerhudson@gmail.com 914.772.3916
Peggy Kurtz* Rockland County Leader, Water Conservation Co-Chair rocklandclimate@gmail.com 845.709.0802
Susan Leifer   esmesu@gmail.com 914.769.6656
Aaron Leonard Outings Chair aaron.leonard@sierraclub.org  
Silvia Luzi Membership Database Manager silvialuzi@hotmail.com 845.358.4254
Bill Meyer Energy Co-Chair, Conservation Co-Chair WTMiii@hotmail.com 917.806.5839
Erin Heaton Meyer Facebook Manager ernieny@gmail.com 914.582.0481
Patricia Peckham Advertising Coordinator pattypeckham13@gmail.com 914.645.9889
Gale Pisha Treasurer, Co-Webmaster, Chapter At-Large Delegate gale.pisha@newyork.sierraclub.org

845.623.4980 before 8:00 pm

Liam Robb O'Hagan* Secretary, Co-Webmaster, Social Media Specialist, Group Alternate Delegate to Chapter ExCom liam@extremeyou.com 310.435.1943
Jeff Schumann LTE Coordinator, Renewable Siting Committee jefflynn.dinobirds@gmail.com  
Sarah Wilson* Chair, Assistant Treasurer, Renewable Siting Committee sarahdwilson@optonline.net 914.962.7279


* Member of the Executive Committee, a group of 9 activists who formally run the Lower Hudson Group. Members of the excom are elected to 2-year overlapping terms by the group's members in an annual election.

Contact us

Contact George Klein at lowerhudson@gmail.com or 914.772.3916.