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Check the OHG Facebook Group for the latest news about the Ozark Headwaters Group.
The Ozark Headwaters Group of Sierra Club is one of two groups of the Sierra Club Arkansas Chapter. The Ozark Headwaters Group (OHG) boundaries cover roughly the northwestern half of the state with the sister group, the Central Arkansas Group (CAG) covering the southeastern half. (See map for boundaries.) People who live within OHG boundaries are automatically enrolled in the group when they join the national Sierra Club.
The current OHG membership is made up of approximately 1200 members. General meetings will be announced as they are scheduled. You do not have to be a member of Sierra Club to attend OHG meetings. For more information about the OHG, visit their Facebook Group.
OHG Meetings
10/11/17 - Wed - Group Meeting at the Chillin' Room located in the Historic Ozark Mountain Smokehouse in Fayetteville, 1725 Smokehouse Trail on the old Hwy. 62 to Farmington. The meeting will feature Representatives from the Citizens Climate Lobby who will present a program on Climate Change and its effect on our environment.There will also be updates and discussions on other local and state environmental issues. Sign-up sheets for those wishing to help with environmental issues will be available. Doors will open at 6:30 PM with the Citizens Climate Lobby presenting at 7:00 PM. All those interested are welcome to attend this meeting. For more information contact Tom McKinney at 479-839-8571 or email him at anvil2@cox.net.
9/13/17 Wed -Group Meeting - NWA Land Trust (1725 Smokehouse Trail, Fayetteville) - Join us for what's shaping up to be a great Sierra Club meeting! Guest speaker is Fayetteville Mayor Lioneld Jordan, who will discuss all the fantastic clean energy and sustainability efforts being undertaken by the city. We'll also hear from local and state Sierra Club leaders on environmental news and happenings around Arkansas. Doors open at 6:30 for social time, meeting begins at 7:00 p.m.
10/29/15 Thu at 6:30 pm - Sierra Club & Beer + Green Drinks NWA - Please join us! OHG Sierra Club, Green Drinks NWA, and Apple Blossom Brewing Company, have partnered to bring you an evening full of delicious craft beer, networking, and lively conversation. Glen Hooks, Chapter Director for the Sierra Club of Arkansas, will speak about the progress of the Beyond Coal campaign, and Justin Taylor, from Environmental Affairs and Recycling, will present on the status of recycling initiatives in the City of Fayetteville. Your first beer is only $5 and will be served in a complimentary Sierra Club & Beer pint glass! We will be raffling a backpack of goodies donated by these amazing local businesses: Cavecloth, Berry Natural, Pack Rat Outdoor Center, Natural State Sandwiches, Greenhouse Grill, and Ozark Natural Foods. Tickets: 1 for $1, 6 for $5, 13 for $10, or 30 for $20. - Pre-Event Bike Ride: Meet at the old train depot on Dickson Street next to Arsaga’s at 5:30 for a relaxing bike ride along the Razorback Regional Greenway to Apple Blossom. ***Sincere thanks to Apple Blossom Brewing Company, who is donating 5% of all sales to OHG Sierra Club!*** - Apple Blossom Brewing Company, 1550 E Zion Rd, Ste 1, Fayetteville, Arkansas 72703, (479) 287-4344, info@appleblossombrewing.com
8/26/15 Wed
3/18/15 Wed at 6 pm - Apple Blossom Brewing Company, 1550 Zion Road, Fayetteville
OHG News
Check the OHG Facebook Group for the latest news about the Ozark Headwaters Group.
OHG news is now included in the chapter digital newsletter. For a selection of paper OHG newsletters from the past, click on one of the links below:
Winter 2011 Newsletter - - - - - January 2005 Newsletter
OHG Management
The management of the affairs and activities of the Group is in the hands of an Executive Committee (ExCom), consisting of 9 members elected by the group membership for terms of two years. A Chair, a Vice Chair, and a Chapter Delegate and Alternate are selected from ExCom Members. Other officers and positions are selected from Group members but need not be ExCom members.
Group Representatives to Chapter ExCom
Year - Chapter Representative Chapter Alternate
2017 -
2016 - Rob Leflar Jennifer Carter
2015 - Rob Leflar Jennifer Carter
OHG Executive Committee (ExCom) Members (Elected)
'19-'20 Term -
'18-'19 Term -
'17-'18 Term -
'16-'17 Term -
2016 ExCom: Cami English (Chair), Aubrey Shepherd (Vice Chair), Jennifer Carter, James Crawshaw,
Rob Leflar, Tom McKinney, Jodi Nimmo, John Rule, Pamela Vesilind
'15-'16 Term -
Candidates on Ballot for OHG ExCom:
’19-’20 Term
‘18-’19 Term
’17-’18 Term - Barrow, Rob Leflar, Tom McKinney, John Rule, Aubrey Shepherd, Steinkraus
Group Officers
Year - Chair Vice Chair Secretary Treasurer
2019 -
2018 -
2017 - Cami English Aubrey Shepherd Rob Leflar Rob Leflar
- - - - - Standing Committees - - - - -
Nominating Committee
2019 -
2018 -
2017 - Michele Halsell, Rob Leflar, Tom McKinney, Aubrey Shepherd, Steve Smith
Elections Committee
2019 -
2018 -
2017 - Michele Halsell, Rob Leflar, Tom McKinney, Aubrey Shepherd, Steve Smith
Conservation Committee
2019 -
2018 -
2017 - Tom McKinney, Fred Paillet, Aubrey Shepherd, Pamela Vesilind, Morgan Welch
- - - - - Other Committees - - - - -
Year - Outings Membership Communications
2019 -
2018 -
2017 - Fred Paillet Jennifer Carter (Chair), Jodi Nimmo (Vice Chair)
Political Committee
2019 -
2018 -
2017 - Cami English, Rob Leflar, Veronica Mobley, Jodi Nimmo, Aubrey Shepherd, Steve Smith, Janis Walters
Campfire Events Calendar (OHG Events Only)
The Calendar on this page (below) includes only OHG events. For other Arkansas Chapter events, go to the Club Events page. NOTE: For now, check the OHG Facebook Group for the latest news about the Ozark Headwaters Group.
Outing - Sierra Club Policies
- Activities identified as Sierra Club outings are led by a certified Outings Leader. All participants on such outings are required to sign a Sierra Club Liability Waiver form. If you would like to read the Liability Waiver before you choose to participate on an outing, please go to http://content.sierraclub.org/outings/local-outdoors/resources, then click on Sign-in Sheet & Liability Waiver or contact the Outings Department at (415) 977-5528 for a printed version.
- Carpools transportation is at the sole risk of the participants, both driver and passengers, even if they are leaders or staff of the outings or activity.
- CST 2087766-40. Registration as a seller of travel does not constitute approval by the State of California.
To see a brief description of all events in a printable format, click on Print View below.
In Map View, click on a flag (circle), then on the individual event for more info.
In List View, click on Activity (title / link) for detailed info. (Recommended!)
If available, click on Map or Directions at the right.
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