Campfire Calendar

Central Arkansas Group (CAG) meetings are listed on the Home and CAG Pages.    
Check the OHG Facebook Group for the latest news about the Ozark Headwaters Group - or check  the OHG Page     for other information on the OHG.
Campfire Calendar     

Sierra Club Sponsored Events

  • If you are familiar with this information, skip the text and go directly to the CampFire Calendar below. The CampFire Calendar is currently inactive.
  • Event Sponsors are identified as the Arkansas Chapter, Central Arkansas Group (CAG),
    Ozark Headwaters Group (OHG - NW Arkansas), or Non-Club Sponsor.
  • CAG General Meetings are held the third Tuesday of the month (except Aug. and Dec.). For information on programs or speakers, check the Home page or the About Us > Central Arkansas Group (CAG) page.
  • OHG (Ozark Headwaters Group) events may appear on their Facebook page before they appear on this web site. Click on the F - OHG Facebook Group button at upper right)
  • Please review Sierra Club Policies before signing up for or joining any event identified as Outing.
  • For information or reports on past activities, check the News > Activity Reports page.

Campfire Calendar

NOTE: As of early 2018, the (name) O.A.R.S. Calendar has been replaced by the name Campfire Calendar. This name change is part of the Sierra Club's software improvement program to enable all Club programs to better communicate with each other.

Arkansas Chapter Events

Go to the Campfire Calendar below for the calendar/list/map view of activities/outings/events sponsored by the Arkansas Chapter or its regional Groups. Events on the Campfire calendar are updated independently of this web site and may contain events not listed elsewhere on this web site.

Club Events (Geographical Across US)

Go to - then scroll down to the Sierra Club Campfire Calendar/list/map view of activities/outings/events sponsored by all Sierra Club Chapters (using the Campfire Calendar). Many of these local activities/outings/events are open to the public but some may require advanced signups and/or have specific requirements for participants. Many are free but some may have a fee.

National Club Outings

Go to for outings sponsored by Sierra Club National Outings. National Outings conducts outings (for a fee) both inside and outside the United States.

 Outings - Sierra Club Policies

  • Activities identified as Sierra Club outings are led by a certified Outings Leader. All participants on such outings are required to sign a Sierra Club Liability Waiver form. If you would like to read the Liability Waiver before you choose to participate on an outing, please go to, then click on Sign-in Sheet & Liability Waiver or contact the Outings Department at (415) 977-5528 for a printed version.

  • Carpools transportation is at the sole risk of the participants, both driver and passengers, even if they are leaders or staff of the outings or activity.

  • CST 2087766-40. Registration as a seller of travel does not constitute approval by the State of California.

Outings Information

For other outings related information, go to the Events > Club Outings Info page.
To see a brief description of all events in a printable format, click on Print View below.
In Map View, click on a flag (circle), then on the individual event for more info.
In List View, click on Activity (title / link) for detailed info. (Recommended!)
If available, click on Map or Directions at the right.
Note the new SEARCH OPTIONS button at the left.

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