Legislative Tracker

Welcome!  This is your insider’s view on the Wisconsin Legislature. The chart below will tell you how your legislators are voting on conservation issues you care about, from clean energy to water protection, forestry, environmental toxins, recycling and more. 

For the full list of bills Sierra Club has registered on, see our lobbying page on the Wisconsin State Ethics Board website.  You can also consult our 2015-16 Legislative Scorecard to see how your legislators voted on key conservation issues, and visit our political page for information on elections and endorsements based on incumbent voting records and other factors.  For information on previous sessions, see our 2003-04, 2005-06, 2007-08, 2009-10, 2011-12, or 2013-14 scorecards.  Please contact Elizabeth Ward at elizabeth.ward@sierraclub.org with questions.  

Sierra Club's positions on bill are made by the Chapter's Legislative Committee, based on recommendations from issue committees and other Chapter leaders.

Title Summary Bill Number Position
County Zoning Opt-Out This bill makes a number of technical changes to the law authorizing towns located in a county with a population of at least 485,000 to withdraw from county zoning.  It changes some of the timing requirements related to when a town must notify… AB109 Oppose
Relaxing High-Capacity Well Regulation This bill was proposed by Republican legislators to relax the existing legislation concerning high-capacity wells by exempting replacement wells, and wells which have undergone ownership transfers, from review by state regulators. AB105 and SB76 Oppose
Redistricting Reform The bill proposes that the Legislative Reference Bureau (LRB) should handle redistricting in an effort to make the process non-partisan and prevent gerrymandering.  AB44 and SB13 Support
Wisconsin REINS Act The REINS Act, or the Regulations from the Executive in Need of Scrutiny Act, would require any proposed new regulation with estimated costs of compliance over $10 million to be approved by the state legislature, regardless of estimated benefits.… AB42 and SB15 Oppose
Wetlands Dredging Exemption This bill would exempt utilities working along highways from complying with wetland permitting requirements.  AB63 Oppose
Mining Moratorium Repeal Wisconsin currently has a law known as the Mining Moratorium , or the "prove it first" law, which was enacted in 1988 to prevent acid mine drainage from metallic sulfide mining. Before the state will permit potential sulfide mines, the mining… N/A Oppose