Protecting Biodiversity in Wisconsin Ecosystems

Protecting native wildlife is essential to maintaining biodiversity, which is crucial for the health of our ecosystems, the balance of our environment, and our own well-being. When wildlife thrives, so do human communities, as we are all part of a connected web of life.

Ecosystems are intricate networks of interdependent species. Like a house of cards or a Jenga tower, the entire structure can collapse if one species is removed, leading to far-reaching and devastating consequences.

In today's world, taking steps to protect wildlife and their wild habitats is more important than ever. The United Nations has emphasized that biodiversity is “our strongest natural defense against climate change.”

The Wisconsin Chapter of the Sierra Club plays a pivotal role in protecting wildlife, particularly critical species like wolves and beavers, through advocacy and support for wildlife-friendly policies.

Click on the links below to learn more about the current Wildlife Team priorities:

Grey wolf laying down licking pup on a sunny day with green in the background

Protecting Wisconsin's Wolves

Adorable beaver next to chewed up birch tree with green foliage in the background
Responsible Beaver Management
Young deer with antlers on a black background
Supporting ethical hunting
Protect Wisconsin's Sandhill Cranes written in a green box next to a picture of a sandhill crane and a baby crane on a bed of yellow grass
Sustainable Management of Sandhill Cranes


Take Action Now!

Click these links for up-to-date information about our current actions.

Protect Wisconsin Wolves

Protect Wisconsin Wolves Action Page

Science Based Management

Keep politics away from Wildlife action page

Willdlife Protection Graphic

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And if you care about these issues, there's a lot you can do to help — please volunteer with us!