LADWP Pumping Deeper
October 24, 2021
A “pre-construction evaluation” report to replace Well 247 in the Laws area to the west of Highway 6 was on the agenda of the October 18th Technical Group meeting. LADWP plans to file a Notice of Exemption where the project would be exempt from an...
Pine Creek Mine Hydroelectric Project Goes Forward
October 24, 2021
On 9/23/21, after 17 years of comments, litigation, competing projects, environmental analysis and more, a 40-year license was issued to Pine Creek Mine, LLC for the Pine Creek Mine Hydroelectric Project (P-12532-006) by the Federal Energy...
Range of Light Group September 2021 eNewsletter
September 21, 2021
Volunteer Overview, Camp High Sierra Sacrifice, Duck Pass Hike, and 395 Cleanup
Ski Run Through Camp High the Face of Climate Change?
September 18, 2021
This year is the 100th anniversary of Camp High Sierra, nestled in the quiet forest near Juniper Springs. Over the decades, the Town of Mammoth Lakes has engulfed it, but it is still hidden in the trees in a peaceful setting, but not for much longer...
Haaland's Mining Justice Moment
September 16, 2021
Read Kathy Bancroft's article " Haaland's Mining Justice Moment" in the Inyo Register explaining why we must stop K2 Gold from mining for gold on Conglomerate Mesa.
Range of Light Group August 2021 eNewsletter
August 12, 2021
Event Roundup, Kore Mining, 30x30, Kutzadika's Tribe, Conglomerate Mesa, and LADWP Mitigation Projects
Protect Conglomerate Mesa Comments Due by Aug 30, 2021
August 5, 2021
It’s time to submit comments on Mojave Precious Metals’ (aka K2 Gold) second exploratory drilling project at Conglomerate Mesa. The company is continuing their exploration for gold at Conglomerate Mesa. This Phase Two is a much bigger project....
LADWP Mitigation Projects: 30 Years Later
July 31, 2021
It has been 24 years since the 1991 Environmental Impact Report officially took effect in 1997 that identified projects that would mitigate some of the damage done to the environment in the Owens Valley from excessive groundwater pumping in the...
Using iNaturalist Recorded Overview
July 1, 2021
Use iNaturalist to help us in our conservation efforts, and to achieve 30x30!
LADWP Groundwater Pumping
June 25, 2021
In drought years, LADWP pumps water to offset the decline in surface water. The runoff this year on the Eastern side of the Sierra Nevada is about 55% of normal. This year, LADWP plans to pump between 34 percent and 41 percent of the amount allowed...