ICYMI: Obsessive Tiger, Aggressive Storm, & Emotional Support Squirrel

A weekly roundup for busy people

By Paul Rauber

October 12, 2018


Illustration by Peter Arkle

Rangers in India are trying to capture a tiger believed to have killed at least nine people by luring it with Calvin Klein’s Obsession cologne. 

Conservation initiatives in Nepal have doubled the number of tigers there, to 235. 

Hurricane Michael hits the Florida Panhandle as a Category 4 storm. It is the strongest hurricane to hit the U.S. mainland in 14 years.

The Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change says that the dire effects of climate change are likely to occur sooner than previously expected, as early as 2040. 

The IPCC report reveals that the world’s forests contain more carbon than all the planet’s exploitable coal, oil, and gas deposits.

The World Bank pulls the plug on the Kosova e Re coal-fired power plant in Kosovo, the bank’s last remaining coal project.

Westmoreland Coal, one of the oldest coal companies in the United States, files for bankruptcy protection. U.S. coal production to date is down 2.8 percent over last year.

The lawyer who defended BP after the Deepwater Horizon oil spill is now the top environmental attorney in the Justice Department. 

Ernest Moniz, President Barack Obama’s former energy secretary, suspends advising Saudi Arabia on a new, zero-emission “smart city” over concerns about the apparent assassination of dissident journalist Jamal Khashoggi.  

Danish offshore wind energy giant Ørsted (formerly known as Dong Energy) acquires Rhode Island–based Deepwater Wind, signaling an expansion into the U.S. offshore wind market. 

The U.S. Border Patrol discovers a partially completed, 627-foot-long drug-smuggling tunnel from Mexico to the U.S. that is solar powered

The Bureau of Land Management will pay you $1,000 to adopt a wild horse.  

ExxonMobil will give $1 million to a group promoting a carbon tax

Interior Secretary Ryan Zinke bans new mining claims on 30,000 acres north of Yellowstone National Park, an area where several gold mines had been proposed. 

EPA acting administrator Andrew Wheeler has repeatedly “liked” and spread racist and conspiratorial material on social media. 

A woman is removed from a Frontier Airlines flight for bringing her “emotional support squirrel” onboard.