ICYMI: #MeToo Glacier, Tit-for-Tat Predators, Our Own Satellite, & More

A weekly roundup for busy people

By Paul Rauber

September 21, 2018


Illustration by Peter Arkle

Antarctica's Marchant glacier, named after a prominent geologist later accused of sexual harassment of a grad student, is renamed Matataua.

Rajendra Pachauri, the former head of the United Nations Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change, will stand trial in India on charges that he sexually harassed a former colleague

California requires state prisons to offer plant-based meals.

At least 37 people are killed by Hurricane Florence, including two women trapped in a police van that was taking them to a mental health facility. The storm dumped more than three feet of rain in some parts of North Carolina. Floodwaters swamp coal-ash waste sites, giant hog farms, and sewage plants

A new study shows that rising temperatures this century could raise sea levels by 30 to 40 feet

Responding to Trump administration cutbacks in remote sensing programs to monitor pollutants and climate change, California governor Jerry Brown declares, "We're launching our own damn satellite." 

The Steadfast Insurance Company sues seven oil companies operating in Oklahoma to recoup the $325,000 it paid to the Pawnee Nation for damages from a magnitude 5.8 earthquake in September 2016. "Defendants' pollution of the environment caused the human-induced earthquakes at issue in this case," the suit alleges.  

The Trump administration rolls back an Obama-era rule meant to curtail leaks, venting, and flaring of methane—a powerful greenhouse gas—from oil-and-gas drilling sites. 

In parts of the Southwest, the combination of solar power plus battery storage is now cheaper to build per megawatt-hour than new gas-fired plants. 

The world’s first hydrogen-powered trains begin service in Germany.  

New England suffers a plague of squirrels.

A great white shark kills a boogie boarder off of Cape Cod. A hunter from Washington State Fish and Game shoots from a helicopter and kills a young wolf that had been preying on cattle. A grizzly bear kills a hunting guide in Wyoming. An endangered Mexican wolf is killed in New Mexico, another in Arizona. A black bear attacks on an off-duty NYPD detective. 

A man who pees into Old Faithful is cited by Yellowstone National Park rangers for walking off the boardwalks in a thermal area.  

Prolonged exposure to small particulate matter in the air puts people at greater risk for dementia

California’s redwoods are doing fine in a warming climate. 

This article has been modified since its original posting.