"The Social Lives of Animals": A Dazzling Compendium of Beasts' Sociality Biologist Ashley Ward unpacks voting buffaloes and binge-drinking monkeys By Katie O'Reilly April 17, 2022 In this story: books
Take the Earth on a Date: Inside the Ecosexuality Movement For ecosexuals, the Earth is sexy By Isobel Whitcomb March 5, 2022 In this story: books
I Decolonized My Diet for Black History Month How to eat like your ancestors By Maya Richard-Craven February 27, 2022 In this story: food and drink
Plan a Plant-Based Year of the Tiger Usher in Lunar New Year with five Asian food bloggers’ fave vegan recipes By Aaron Mok February 3, 2022 In this story: vegan, food and drink, vegetarian
Don’t Miss These Four Films About Activism Sundance films about social change to look for this year By Heather Smith January 31, 2022 In this story: film, environmental justice, climate change, politics, indigenous communities
The Best (and the Weirdest) Nature Films From Sundance Three nature films to look out for in 2022 By Heather Smith January 30, 2022 In this story: film, animals, wildlife, entertainment, science
How to Create a Happy, Equitable, Green World Start with creating one for yourself: Try radical hospitality, decolonized climate-aware therapy, and more surprising action items. By Jessian Choy January 27, 2022 In this story: activism, Ms. Green
7 Signs That the Mainstream Has a Beef With Beef As the climate crisis intensifies, the plant-based lifestyle becomes increasingly conventional By Katie O'Reilly January 25, 2022 In this story: food and drink, vegetarian, vegan
“The Wall: Climb for Gold” Is a Quintessential Sports Film The documentary offers a gripping portrait of rock climbing’s first Olympians By Drew Higgins January 24, 2022 In this story: film, climbing
The Alien Beauty and Creepy Fascination of Insect Art Through history and across cultures, insects have inspired artists and challenged viewers to shift their perspective By Greg Miller January 11, 2022 In this story: art, insects