ICYMI: Bambi Therapy, Buh-Bye Zinke & Garbage Boom a Bust

A weekly roundup for busy people

By Paul Rauber

December 21, 2018


Illustration by Peter Arkle

A deer poacher in Missouri is sentenced to watch Bambi once every month of his year-long jail sentence.

Cinder, a black bear who became famous after surviving a 2014 fire in Washington State and being successfully rehabilitated and returned to the wild, is killed by a hunter.

Kim and Kourtney Kardashian lobby for the cleanup of the Santa Susana Field Lab, a former nuclear testing site in the hills above the San Fernando Valley where the Woolsey Fire began. 

Pamela Anderson argues that the yellow vest protests in France are about climate equity: “They protest because the rich keep destroying the planet. And the poor are paying.” 

Facing at least 17 federal investigations, Secretary of the Interior Ryan Zinke resigns

The Interior Department releases its draft environmental impact report prior to opening the coastal plain of the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge to oil drilling.  

A lease sale of oil and gas drilling rights in the western Arctic flops, bringing in only $1 million, while another sale of offshore wind rights off the coast of Massachusetts nets a record $285 million on its first day. 

Statistical reassessments determine that the supposed “hiatus” in global warming from the late 1990s through the 2000s—seized upon by climate deniers as proof that climate change doesn’t exist—never happened.

A newly discovered blind amphibian that buries its head in the sand is named Dermophis donaldtrumpiin recognition of the president’s climate denial.

The US Fish and Wildlife Service declines to protect the Ozark pyrg under the Endangered Species Act because the freshwater snail went extinct while awaiting protection. 

Negotiators at the climate summit in Katowice, Poland, manage to keep the Paris climate accord alive.

In 2018, Australia’s most valuable export is coal

Israel will stop producing energy from coal by 2030.  

The District of Columbia vows that its energy will be 100 percent renewable by 2032.

A lone female Stresemann’s Bristlefront, the world’s rarest bird, is sighted in Brazil. 

Trump signs a new five-year farm bill that keeps funding for conservation efforts stable. 

The US Forest Service revokes the grazing permit of a New Mexico rancher who killed an endangered Mexican wolf with a shovel.

Starting in 2029, all new buses in California must be fully electric.

The one-millionth electric car is sold in the US.  

Japan withdraws from the International Whaling Commission and will resume commercial whaling in 2019.  

The huge floating boom that was supposed to clean up the Pacific Ocean garbage patch fails to trap any plastic.  

California extends its ban on abalone harvesting through April 2021. 

Carol Browner, EPA administrator in the Clinton administration and director of the White House Office of Energy and Climate Change Policy in the Obama administration, is now sustainability adviser to electric-scooter firm Lime

Citing Dr. Seuss’s The Lorax, a federal judge throws out the permit for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline to cross the Appalachian Trail.  

Armadillos are invading St. Louis.