July 2024 Outings

July 13
ROMERO TRAIL TO EAST CAMINO CIELO: This strenuous front country hike will take you from the lower foothills to the top of the ridge above Montecito and Summerland. On route, we will comment on native flora and fauna. 7 mi out and back hike, 2200 elevation gain, 6 hours. Bring lunch and 3 liters water minimum. Dress for changing weather conditions and sun protection as warm temps possible. Group size limit 10. Meet at 8am at the Romero Cyn Trailhead. DALE, dalegparks@gmail.com (SB)

July 21
GOLETA URBAN WALK: We will explore a northern Goleta neighborhood that hosts San Jose Creek and Fremont Creek. Most of our walk will be on paved roads and paths, but will also include creekside trails and passing by the site of the former San Jose Winery, the oldest in Goleta This loop walk is about 3.7 mrt and mostly level. Wear a cap for sun protection and bring some water to drink. Meet at 9am near the intersection of N. Kellogg and Calle Real in Goleta. Park on N. Kellogg. GERRY, gching@cox.net (SB)