2023 New Year’s Climate Action Resolutions

“May the New Year bring you new strength, new hope and new dreams.” ~ Lailah Gifty Akita

Have you made your New Year’s Resolutions yet? There has never been a better and more important time than now to embrace win-win, Climate-Action New Year’s Resolutions.

Fortunately, our Sierra Club Chapter has a very helpful and localized starting point for doing so.

Throughout the year, Condor Call has published articles with specific, win-win suggestions on actions individuals can take to reduce our carbon footprint. All these articles are now available on the Chapter’s website here:


Beyond all those tips, let us know your ideas, and we’ll share them if you let us know via email:


Would you like to reduce your use of plastics? Choose among the explicit and easily implemented recommendations in the “Reducing Plastic Pollution” article, such as eliminating the use of big plastic bottles for laundry.

What about stopping all those annoying and wasteful catalogues and other junk mail? Check out how to do this in the article “How to stop unwanted catalogues and other junk mail.”

Are you interested in reducing your water use? The article “How to save water and money during drought” is filled with specific recommendations, with links to launch your actions.

Or maybe, this is the year to resolve that you will go solar (in whatever ways you can, even if you do not own the home in which you live) or use an electric car.

Two articles cover how to do so: “Go Solar” and “Gas Prices Too High? Here’s How to Save $ with an Electric Car!”.

Condor Call Editor Condor John has already applied many of the tips after reading the articles while editing, notably slashing publications, harvesting rain water, shower water in a bucket to flush, installing solar panels  and buying an EV.

“I’m saving money, too,” he said.

Let’s make 2023 the best year ever for reducing our individual and collective carbon footprint.

As Sierra Club members, we know what is at stake, and how important it is to walk-the-talk.

Happy, low carbon 2023!