Mother nature mends

By Jim Hines

Nature can help cure our national anxiety, nature can help cure our national anger, yes nature helps cure much of what negatively impacts our society. Something bothers you, then spend some quiet serene time out in nature and you will feel better and have a renewed sense of the goodness of life. 

Confused about something, then nature can help clear your mind and help you focus on the positive in our world. 

Whether you are just taking a short walk along your favorite nature trail or spending a weeklong backpack trip in the wilds, you will return to society refreshed, recharged and renewed.

You can easily reconnect with yourself, your feelings by the time you spend out among our natural world. Nature gives us emotional and physical strength.

Sit on your favorite spirit rock and meditate, sit by a flowing stream and allow the positive vibes from the water's flow fill your spirit with goodness. 

Seek the ocean shore and see how peaceful our world can be, watch wildlife and be soothed by their beauty. 

Many times when I am feeling down or discouraged after a lobby effort to protect wildlife and wild places in the U.S., I seek solitude in nature, the wild places I seek to protect give me strength, the wildlife I seek to protect give me hope, when I am out in the natural world a strong feeling of hope at what we all need to work to protect comes over me and gives me the encouragement to carry on, the natural world is my world, my spirit. I was born into the natural world; I grew up among wildlife and wild places and I still seek the wild today. 

If you arrive home from a hard day's work and feel stressed, just take a walk on a local urban nature trail or along the beach and immediately you will feel relaxed and calm, we need nature.

Nature offers us hope, nature heals us and nature gives us strength. 

River Valley
Who said California has no color in the summer? Well, here you are at the Ventura River Valley with plenty of color and a place to ponder and amaze, as Jim says in his column below. This beautiful photo was taken by Zoe Murdock, a writer, runner, and photographer. Find her books and photographs here: