The Sierra Club Santa Barbara-Ventura Chapter mourns the tragic death last Friday of Ventura County Board of Supervisors Chair Carmen Ramirez, who left us at the apex of her life and career. She was widely beloved, as demonstrated by the hundreds of mourners who attended an evening memorial on Saturday. She was an attorney, an activist and a leader for justice and the environment. Below are memories from some local Sierra Club leaders.
"This is an unbelievable tragedy for everyone who knew Carmen and for our entire region. I saw Carmen recently at Owen Bailey’s memorial, another environmental champion we lost too soon. Carmen was radiant, moving, full of leadership and passion. She spoke about all our environmental work in Oxnard. She reminded the crowd of our victories, such as when Owen was working for the Sierra Club in opposing a proposed liquified natural gas export terminal in Oxnard, and they overcame unbelievable odds to defeat it. She also mentioned the Puente gas-fired power plant. Her leadership was crucial in defeating that polluting power plant in favor of renewable energy and battery storage projects. Our coastline is cleaner, our air is healthier, our region a leader in climate action because of Carmen. To honor her legacy is to believe that change is possible and to redouble our efforts."
- Katie Davis, Santa Barbara-Ventura Chapter Chair
"I have been trying in vain all day to recall the first time I was introduced to Carmen Ramirez. What I can vividly remember is how much her reputation proceeded her. A friend once told me that they'd follow Carmen's lead without hesitance. If ever I had a question about Oxnard, it was met with "Carmen will know." Truly she was a rarity; smart, kind, fervently devoted to the people and land she represented. That is why we chose Carmen as our 2014 Environmental Woman of the year. She never hesitated to give her time and expertise where it was needed. In the midst of the winter holidays, Carmen spearheaded a toxic tour of the Oxnard oil fields (as seen, right, with another environmental champion, Lupe Anguiano.) During Memorial weekend of 2018, Carmen spoke about the Green New Deal for a Sierra Club-sponsored event. The legacy of her environmental advocacy for Oxnard will not be forgotten by me, and countless others. Although she was tough as nails on those who polluted her beloved city, Carmen was also tremendously compassionate. At a Presidential election night party in 2016, the room began to feel like the Titanic as the results rolled in all red. Carmen quietly said to me, "Come on. Let me get you a beer." It wasn't her words but rather her tone that was so reassuring. Her conviction that a better world is possible will always keep me motivated."
- Elisabeth Lamar, Ventura Group Chair
"I am devastated by the loss of Carmen Ramirez, both on a personal level because she was a valued friend and a truly remarkable person, and more broadly because of her extraordinary leadership. Carmen may well have been the most beloved leader in Ventura County. She was warm, engaging and real, while also being a committed advocate for her community and the environment. She combined her extraordinary personal qualities with the expertise of a career legal aid lawyer and the political skills of a master strategist. As just one of many examples, her recent work with us in stopping yet another power plant from being inflicted upon the people of Oxnard was a master class in leadership. The Puente plant was basically a done deal, yet she deftly marshalled community support, managed a world-class legal effort, and expertly maneuvered politically and bureaucratically to undo that deal and protect our shores. We had looked forward to her leading the Board of Supervisors on the environment for the coming decade. Losing her is an immeasurable loss for Ventura County."
- David Gold, Santa Barbara-Ventura Chapter Political Chair
"When we talk about what it means to fight for climate justice, what we really mean is “be like Carmen.” We’ve lost a great champion in our shared fight to protect our environment and the communities we represent. In every fight, at every rally, in every campaign - she was there. With her steady, brilliant, and fierce determination. I feel so honored and blessed to have known her and to have seen her step into higher leadership and have her voice heard by a much wider audience. She did this all while also being an incredibly supportive and kind person. In honor of her legacy, we owe her no less than our renewed commitment to continue to fight for climate justice. Que descanse en paz la reina de Oxnard, nuestra “Tía Carmen”, la valiente Carmen Ramírez."
- Luz Reyes-Martín, Santa Barbara Group Chair
"Carmen Ramirez was an icon in our county, Carmen was a passionate voice for environmental justice, women's rights, protecting wild places and protecting wildife. Carmen was a hero to me, I can't tell you how many times Carmen would help me with environmental issues I was working on, giving of her time not just as an elected official but as a private citizen. I still remember the time when Carmen and I happened to be lobbying in Washington DC at the same time for different issues and we joined up one afternoon to lobby House members for protection of wild places in the west. She was so passionate about protecting wild places, protecting the coastline and fighting climate change. We will carry on Carmen's work and her legacy in our work to protect the environment. Carmen Ramirez will be with us forever."
- James Hines, Santa Barbara-Ventura Chapter Conservation Chair
"Carmen Ramirez was a living legend. At 73-years old, she led a 3-2 majority in Ventura County that was making Big Oil and Gas accountable, expanding renewable electric transportation and was on track to eliminate natural gas from new buildings starting Jan. 1, 2023. My memories are not just about what she did, but what she was going to do. The Governor can honor who she was by appointing an individual who will carry out her agenda. I think she's out in the universe watching."
- Jonathan Ullman, Santa Barbara-Ventura Chapter Director