This website has 50 nearby destinations you'll want to explore

Just in time for Summer, the website: "50 Great Public Land Destinations -- Santa Barbara and Beyond" has been updated and expanded by Deborah Williams.

Check it out:

Chumash Painted Caves

Williams, a Sierra Club supporter and volunteer, created the website for her "Public Lands and Waters" class at UCSB to help her students and the public “discover amazing public land areas -- of all kinds -- within 300 miles of Santa Barbara.”

The new updates enhance the amount of areas to explore, because each of the featured 50 Destinations now has additional links to nearby hikes, campgrounds, and/or other special public land areas.

As one person commented: "This website offers a treasure trove of adventure and so many hidden gems,” and natural, historic, community, recreational and cultural locations are included.

The ad-free site is easy to navigate, such as choosing a map location you might want to explore or search where a particular activity is special, such as mountain biking or simple, short walks. All destinations will give you the distance from UCSB.