Press Releases

July 26, 2017

LOS ANGELES -- Today, the Los Angeles County Metropolitan Transportation Authority (Metro) voted to transition its fleet of over 2,200 buses to zero emission electric buses by 2030. Metro has long been a leader in adopting cleaner fuels for its bus fleet and today the agency made the next critical move from still-polluting fossil fuel, gas buses to new, clean electric powered buses.

July 26, 2017

Harrisburg -- Today, the Pennsylvania State Senate passed a Tax Code, House Bill 542, which limits the Constitutionally-directed rights of the Department of Environmental Protection to evaluate and regulate air and water pollution. This language, buried in the state’s budget, would establish a new, legislatively-appointed review board that has primary authority to disallow air permitting controls for the unconventional gas industry.

July 25, 2017

Washington, DC -- Today, Senator Dick Durbin (IL) was joined by 23 of his colleagues in introducing the Fair Elections Now Act. This bill aims to reduce the influence of big money on our elections and raise the voices of everyday Americans.

In response, Sierra Club Deputy Legislative Director Dalal Aboulhosn

July 25, 2017

AUSTIN, TX - American Electric Power (AEP) announced today that it would make a $4.5 billion investment in the nation’s largest wind energy project, the Wind Catcher Energy Connection. The wind energy project is under construction currently in Oklahoma’s western panhandle.

July 25, 2017

Ralston, NE -- Today, Nebraska landowners and other pipeline opponents attended the fourth of four public hearings held by the state Public Service Commission (PSC) to voice their serious concerns about the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline.

July 25, 2017

Hartford, CT -- The Department of Energy and Environmental Protection (DEEP) released an updated draft of the Connecticut Comprehensive Energy Strategy (CES) today. Advocates are urging Governor Malloy and DEEP to improve the draft plan, helping the state meet its goals of reducing carbon pollution and delivering affordable and reliable clean energy to families and businesses within the state.


July 25, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- This morning, Donald Trump took to Twitter to announce his reversal of President Barack Obama’s decision allowing transgender people to freely serve in the military.

In response, Sierra Club Executive Director Michael Brune released the following statement:

July 25, 2017


July 24, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, after repeated failed attempts, the Senate voted for a motion to proceed to move health care to the floor for debate. Senate Majority Leader Mitch McConnell has failed to inform not only the American people, but also the other 99 Senators what they will ultimately be voting on, a straight repeal of the Affordable Care Act or repealing and replacing the ACA with what House Republicans forced through earlier this year.


July 24, 2017

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, The U.S. Transportation Department announced it may revise auto fuel efficiency requirements starting with the 2021 model year and could adopt lower standards through 2025. Among other options, the National Highway Transportation Safety Administration (NHTSA) noted it will consider including continuing the 2021 requirements through 2025, rather than requiring yearly increases previously set under the Obama Administration.