DTE Carbon Emissions Reduction Tells Half a Story


Ricky Junquera, 617.599.7048, ricky.junquera@sierraclub.org

DETROIT, MI – Today, Detroit Edison announced a plan to shutter all remaining coal powered generation in their fleet by 2050 and invest $15 billion in a combination of renewable energy and gas-fired energy generation.


In response, Regina Strong, Director of the Sierra Club’s Beyond Coal Campaign in Michigan, released the following statement:


“Today’s announcement is a positive step in the right direction towards prioritizing Michigan’s clean air and water, as well as public health. We have an opportunity now to avoid environmental and health risks in a way we did not have when coal-burning power was king.

“DTE’s announcement tells half a story. Over the past five years we have seen large scale solar and wind outperform coal, and now we are seeing renewable energy directly compete with fracked gas. What we have also seen is our surrounding communities threatened by the deluge of fracked gas pipelines that pollute our air and destroy our land. So, while the Sierra Club welcomes DTE moving beyond coal, it cannot stop there. Michiganders deserve clean energy that protects their air and water. We are encouraged by DTE’s actions today, but the transition to clean energy that puts public health first is far from over.”