Press Releases

June 5, 2017

Washington, DC – Coming on the heels of last week’s announcement to abandon the Paris Climate Accord, a group of leading national social change organizations today announced they are divesting funds from ‘pipeline banks’ and instead banking in alignment with their values. This growing international movement represents the next wave of institutions and individuals refusing to do business with banks financing risky fossil fuel infrastructure projects like the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL), Keystone XL, Trans Mountain and others.


June 4, 2017

CARSON CITY, NEVADA -- Today, the Nevada Senate passed Assembly Bill 206 to increase the state's renewable portfolio standard (RPS) to 40 percent by 2030. Shortly after, the Assembly passed the amended bill in a concurring vote that sends it to Governor Sandoval’s desk to be signed into law.


Although an amendment in the Senate Commerce, Labor, and Energy Committee lowered the standard as written in the initial bill, this is a big bipartisan step toward a clean energy future in Nevada.

June 4, 2017

Washington, DC -- Today, less than a week after Donald Trump pulled the United States out of the Paris Climate agreement, the Sierra Club and its allies filed a lawsuit to block the Trump administration from suspending standards that curb harmful air pollution from the oil and gas industry.

June 3, 2017

Washington, DC -- Today, Scott Pruitt took to the Sunday shows in a troubled attempt to spin the Trump administration’s decision to pull out of the Paris Climate Agreement, amid a firestorm of international and domestic criticism.

May 31, 2017

Puget Sound Energy, the largest utility in Western Washington, is negotiating an extension to its coal supply contract that could extend the life of the Colstrip Power Plant in Eastern Montana, despite persistent calls from its customers to move away from fossil fuels.


June 1, 2017

Kansas City, MO -- Less than 24 hours after President Donald Trump announced his intentions to back out of the Paris Climate Agreement,  Kansas City Power & Light Co.

June 1, 2017

Virgin, UT -- Today, the Bureau of Land Management (BLM) announced that it will not move forward with a plan to lease three different parcels of land that sit just outside of Zion National Park for oil and gas development.

June 1, 2017

Washington, DC -- Today, EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt spoke on Donald Trump’s decision to pull America out of the Paris Climate Agreement.

In response, Sierra Club Global Climate Policy Director John Coequyt released the following statement:

June 1, 2017

Pittsburgh, PA. - Just hours after Donald Trump claimed to be represent the voters of Pittsburgh in his decision to withdraw the United States from the Paris climate agreement, Mayor Bill Peduto today announced his support for a goal of powering Pittsburgh entirely with clean and renewable energy by 2035.

June 1, 2017

WHO: Concerned Chicagoans outraged by the Trump administration’s decision to withdraw from the Paris climate accord, Sierra Club Illinois, American Federation of Government Employees Local 704 representing EPA Region 5 employees, Faith in Place, Chicago Jobs with Justice, Service Employees International Union (SEIU) Illinois, Food and Water Watch