Press Releases

May 16, 2018

Washington, DC -- Today, the D.C. Circuit Court of Appeals denied FERC’s motion to hold the Sierra Club and partners’ challenge to the Mountain Valley Pipeline in abeyance. FERC had argued that the case should be paused indefinitely to give the Commission more time to respond to rehearing requests filed in November 2017. The Natural Gas Act requires that FERC act on such requests within 30 days, but FERC regularly uses so-called “tolling orders” in an attempt to give itself more time to respond.

May 16, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the Senate voted to nullify the Federal Communications Commission’s December 2017 net neutrality repeal. The Senate’s bill, which is the first successful Democratic-led Congressional Review Act challenge to a controversial Trump administration rule, will prevent internet providers from charging higher fees and filtering content. Republican Senators Susan Collins, Lisa Murkowski, and John Kennedy voted with Senate Democrats to protect a free and open internet.

May 16, 2018

Yesterday, a bill that would allow oil and gas waste, including fracking fluids, to be sold as a “commodity” passed through the Ohio House Energy & Natural Resources Committee. The bill -- HB 393 -- would allow fracking waste to be sold in local stores without meeting any safety standards or requirements to protect public health, and would expand the use of this hazardous waste as a road deicer by the Ohio Department of Transportation.

May 16, 2018

Nation’s Largest Grassroots Environmental Organization Praises Lee’s Strong Commitment to Protecting the Environment and Public Health

Las Vegas, NV -- Today, the Nevada Sierra Club announced its endorsement of Susie Lee to be the next Congresswoman for Nevada’s 3rd Congressional district.

May 16, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, under intense scrutiny from Senators Tom Udall, Pat Leahy, and Chris Van Hollen, Scott Pruitt floundered when attempting to justify his scandals and corrupt behavior that has resulted in 16 investigations. In the process, he admitted to violating federal law when pressed. Some of the lowlights:

May 16, 2018

Today, the nation’s top environmental organizations released a joint statement pledging opposition to Donald Trump’s NAFTA deal if it prioritizes the interests of polluters over the needs of communities across borders.

May 16, 2018

Today, the nation’s top environmental organizations released a joint statement pledging opposition to Donald Trump’s NAFTA deal if it prioritizes the interests of polluters over the needs of communities across borders.

May 15, 2018

Today, embattled EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt faces a Senate hearing where he must answer for his unethical and illegal actions. He can try his best to shift the blame, but these scandals all have one thing in common: Scott Pruitt. Below are just the highlights of the long list of Pruitt’s wrongdoings.

May 15, 2018

Albany, N.Y.— The New York State Department of Environmental Conservation (DEC) released a draft pollution protection rule today that would place stringent emissions standards on existing power plants. Today’s action is a critical first step to ensure that the state reaches its goal to eliminate 40 percent of New York’s greenhouse gas emissions sector wide by 2030, while protecting New York’s air and water from outdated, dirty, and unnecessary power plants.

May 15, 2018

Richmond, VA -- Today, the Fourth Circuit Court of Appeals vacated the Incidental Take permit for the Atlantic Coast Pipeline. The permit, granted by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service, authorizes construction efforts to take certain threatened and endangered species. The permit  is required to construct the fracked gas pipeline, and with it being vacated, the project must be halted.