Press Releases

June 8, 2018

WASHINGTON, D.C.-- The Senate today introduced a bipartisan Farm Bill. In stark contrast to the version introduced in the House, the Senate version eschews toxic, anti-environmental provisions in favor of widely-supported measures focused on food and farm policy.

June 8, 2018

The verdict is in and the only person who had a worse week in Washington than noted Las Vegas Golden Knights fan Ryan Zinke was Scott Pruitt. A growing pile of new scandals has developed this week in the wake of new documents released as a result of the Sierra Club’s FOIA litigation. The documents exposed Pruitt’s corruption for being even more disgraceful and, dare we say it, pathetic than was previously imagined. Honestly, folks, if you said we’d all be talking about unethical and potentially illegal behavior involving used mattresses, fancy hand lotion, and a Chick-fil-a franchise, we figured it’d be because Florida Man was on the loose again -- not because Trump’s EPA Administrator wants to live in luxury on the taxpayer’s dime.

June 8, 2018

Washington, DC-- Yesterday, the Hill reported that Yellowstone National Park Superintendent Dan Wenk revealed that he was being forced out of his post by the Trump administration and that he will be replaced by August. Several reports stated that Wenk is unhappy with the forced transfer to Washington, D.C.

June 8, 2018

E&E News reported yesterday that last year, coal executive Bob Murray presented Trump administration officials with six draft executive orders focused on ending clean air and water protections for dangerous coal pollution. The orders took aim at public health protections, several of which have since been targeted for elimination, significant roll-backs, or delay by federal agencies.

June 8, 2018

As world leaders from the nation’s seven largest economies convene in Quebec today at the G-7 summit, the lead up to the annual event has been anything but business as usual. In recent days, Trump has repeatedly voiced his unwillingness to attend the summit, and early this morning it was reported that Trump will depart the summit on Saturday morning, before attending the scheduled sessions on gender equality and women’s empowerment, climate change and clean energy, and oceans

June 8, 2018

BOSTON, MA -- Hundreds of Boston residents and environmental leaders gathered outside the U.S. Conference of Mayors meeting this morning to urge Boston Mayor Marty Walsh to take more aggressive action on climate change.

June 8, 2018

LAS VEGAS, NV - Today, The Sierra Club announced a new digital advertising campaign in backing Chris Giunchigliani’s progressive campaign in the Nevada Democratic Gubernatorial Primary.

June 7, 2018

Early this morning, a TransCanada gas pipeline exploded in Marshall County, West Virginia.  Thus far, there have been no reports of injuries, though the images portray a significant explosion. According to reports, the line has been shut down.

TransCanada is the same company that is behind the widely opposed proposed Keystone XL and Potomac pipelines.

June 7, 2018

Scandal ridden EPA Administrator Scott Pruitt released advanced notice of proposed rulemaking today. This step is in an effort to change how the EPA calculates the costs and benefits of its clean air and water protections - a precursor to Pruitt making it more difficult for the Agency to make strong, science-based rules to protect public health.

June 7, 2018

Today, environmental and public health advocates filed a motion for a temporary restraining order to halt construction on a dangerous hydraulic fracturing (fracking) project within feet of Bella Romero Academy in Greeley, Colorado.