Press Releases

June 20, 2019

San Francisco, CA-- Today in federal court, ACLU attorney Dror Ladin will represent the Sierra Club, ACLU and SBCC in arguments against the Trump Administration’s appeal of a preliminary injunction granted in a lawsuit against the president’s national emergency declaration. The plaintiff groups won a preliminary injunction to block the Trump administration from using military funds to build 50-55 miles of new border wall in Arizona and New Mexico.

June 19, 2019

MADISON, WI -- In the midst of intense public pressure for action on the climate crisis, Donald Trump and his EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler nevertheless moved backward today by finalizing the Trump Administration's plan to roll back the Clean Power Plan, the first-ever safeguards to curb carbon pollution from existing power plants.

19 de junio de 2019

Un Abogado de ACLU Argumentará en la corte federal de San Francisco en Nombre de Comunidades y Medio Ambiente en Juicio de Apelación de la Administración Trump.

June 19, 2019

LITTLE ROCK, AR. -- In the midst of intense public pressure for action on the climate crisis, former coal lobbyist and EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler did the opposite today by finalizing the Trump Administration's plan to roll back the Clean Power Plan - the first-ever safeguards from carbon pollution for existing power plants.

19 de junio de 2019

En medio de intensa presión pública para actuar contra la crisis climática, el ex cabildero carbonero y administrador de la Agencia de Protección Ambiental (EPA), Andrew Wheeler, hizo hoy lo opuesto finalizando el objetivo de la administración Trump de eliminar el Plan de Energía Limpia — las primeras salvaguardas de la historia contra la contaminación de carbono de plantas carboneras.

June 19, 2019

Today, the Ohio Supreme Court overturned the Public Utilities Commission of Ohio’s approval of a FirstEnergy bailout that left customers footing a nearly $600 million bill. The bailout misleadingly named the Distribution Modernization Rider (DMR) has cost customers up to $204 million annually since it was approved in 2017 and, as the Supreme Court ruled, provided no guarantees the funds would go to grid modernization nor that there were proper customer safeguards in place.

June 19, 2019

In the midst of intense public pressure for action on the climate crisis, Donald Trump and his EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler nevertheless moved backward today by finalizing the Trump Administration's plan to roll back the Clean Power Plan, the first-ever safeguards to curb carbon pollution from existing power plants. Wheeler’s alternative—the Dirty Power Plan—is an illegal rollback of the Obama Administration’s signature climate policy that is geared to galvanize political support from coal industry executives, even while several CEOs have publicly acknowledged that coal generation is phasing out. While Illinois has made significant progress in clean energy development since the passage of the Future Energy Jobs Act, the state’s electric sector remains one of the most heavily polluting and carbon intensive in the country. Illinois Governor JB Pritzker has committed Illinois to reaching the emissions reduction goals of the Paris Climate Agreement and a goal of 100% clean energy for Illinois, and the Clean Energy Jobs Act, (SB2132 (Castro) /HB3624 (Williams)) to achieve that goal and create thousands of quality jobs across the state, particularly in areas that need them most.

June 19, 2019

Harrisburg, P.A.. — In the midst of intense public pressure for action on the climate crisis, Donald Trump and his EPA Administrator, former coal industry lobbyist Andrew Wheeler, finalized the Trump Administration's plan to roll back the Clean Power Plan—the nation’s first-ever protections against carbon pollution from existing power plants.

June 19, 2019

LOS ANGELES - In the midst of intense public pressure for action on the climate crisis, Donald Trump and his EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler moved backward today by finalizing the Trump Administration's plan to roll back the Clean Power Plan - the first-ever safeguard from carbon pollution for existing power plants.  Wheeler’s alternative - the Dirty Power Plan - is an illegal and deadly rollback that is nothing more than a giveaway to the coal industry.

June 19, 2019

In the midst of intense public pressure for action on the climate crisis, Donald Trump and his EPA Administrator Andrew Wheeler nevertheless moved backward today by finalizing the Trump Administration's plan to roll back the Clean Power Plan, the first-ever safeguards to curb carbon pollution from existing power plants.