Press Releases

September 11, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, E&E News reported that notable climate denier William Happer will leave his post as a senior director on the National Security Council at the end of the week. Happer was tasked with running a now shelved panel on the impacts of the climate crisis on national security and was instrumental in blocking written testimony about the national security dangers of climate change from a State Department researcher.

10 de septiembre de 2019

Dos altos funcionarios de la Agencia Federal de Gestión de Emergencias (FEMA) fueron acusados y arrestados hoy por fraude y conspiración debido a su involucración en la recuperación de Puerto Rico tras el Huracán María.

September 10, 2019

The Coal Ash Pollution Prevention Act, signed into law this July, set Illinois on a path to strong and protective coal ash rules. The law is now being drafted into rules by the Illinois EPA. The Agency will be holding the first of a series of listening sessions at the Gateway Building in Peoria to take input from the public.

September 10, 2019

Great Falls, MT— Conservation groups expanded their federal lawsuit today challenging the Trump administration’s illegal approval of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. The groups are suing the Army Corps of Engineers over its streamlined approval of the pipeline, and today added claims challenging the Corps’ failure to ensure that endangered species would not be harmed by the project.  

September 10, 2019

Little Rock, AR. -- Today, the United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) announced that it has finalized a “regional haze” plan for Arkansas. This plan replaces a much stronger plan approved by EPA in 2016 that would have resulted in much more effective air pollution protections for certain national parks and wilderness areas in Arkansas and Missouri.  

September 10, 2019

San Juan, Puerto Rico -- Today, two top FEMA officials from the Trump administration were indicted and arrested for fraud and conspiracy for their roles in Puerto Rico’s recovery from Hurricane Maria. 

10 de septiembre de 2019

En unas audiencias tituladas “La Malvad Que Conocían: la Contaminación de PFAS y la Necesidad de Rendición de Cuentas Corporativas, Parte 3”, el Congreso oirá hoy a las corporaciones responsables de la contaminación de per y polifluoroalquilo (PFAS) y a las personas que se han querellado contra las compañías por negligencia.

September 10, 2019

As the Guardian reported, US Secretary of Commerce Wilbur Ross is facing multiple calls to resign, including from the Sierra Club and multiple members of Congress. Those calls come after the New York Times indicated that Ross threatened to fire senior staff at NOAA unless they sided publicly with Donald Trump over his inaccurate portrayal of Hurricane Dorian’s path wrongly including Alabama.

September 10, 2019

Washington, DC-- Today, at a hearing titled “The Devil They Knew: PFAS Contamination and the Need for Corporate Accountability, Part III,” Congress will hear from corporations responsible for the nation’s per and polyfluoroalkyl (PFAS) contamination crisis and the people suing the companies for negligence. PFAS chemicals-- linked to cancers, infertility and immune system failure in children-- are now in the blood of 99% of Americans and more than 100 million Americans’ drinking water.

September 9, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- The House Natural Resources Committee today is holding an oversight hearing on Interior Secretary Bernhardt’s plan to relocate the Bureau of Land Management headquarters from Washington, D.C. to Grand Junction, Colorado. New questions about the move have been raised following the naming of William Pendley as acting head of the agency.