Press Releases

November 24, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Today, the Sierra Club will be launching the largest-ever non-partisan digital voter registration campaign in the organization’s 127 year history. The campaign, called Ready To Vote, will educate the public on their voting rights and register historically disenfranchised voters, including students and young people and African American and Latinx communities, in Michigan, Missouri, Georgia, and Florida. The Sierra Club will run digital ads in the four states directing people to check their voter registration and register to vote using the educational tool TurboVote.

November 22, 2019

Challenge to Berkeley’s gas phase out is attack on cities’ right to clean air, climate action In response to a lawsuit from the California Restaurant Association, likely acting at the behest of the oil and gas industry, against Berkeley’s ordinance phasing out gas for heath, climate and economic reasons

November 22, 2019

Great Falls, MT— Conservation and landowners groups filed their opening brief today in their federal lawsuit challenging the Trump administration’s illegal approval of the Keystone XL tar sands pipeline. The groups are suing the Army Corps of Engineers over its failure to adequately analyze the project’s effects on local waterways, lands, wildlife, and communities along its 1,200-mile route.

22 de noviembre de 2019

Donald Trump ha amenazado la integridad de las leyes que todos obedecemos, socavando los principios básicos de nuestra democracia e ignorando el juramento presidencial. Los actos corruptos de Donald Trump han quedado impunes durante demasiado tiempo, pero el Congreso tiene que cumplir con sus obligaciones constitucionales, y enjuiciarlo y expulsarlo de su puesto.

22 de noviembre de 2019

El Sierra Club y Earthjustice, junto a una amplia coalición de grupos ambientales y de salud pública, se querellaron hoy contra el ex cabildero carbonero y administrador de la Agencia Federal de Protección Ambiental (EPA), Andrew Wheeler, debido a la revocación de la excepción por la que California puede activar estándares más estrictos de contaminación procedente de vehículos, al igual que el estándar de cero emisiones (ZEV) del estado.

November 22, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. -- Yesterday, the House of Representatives wrapped up this week’s public hearings on the impeachment inquiry of Donald Trump.

November 22, 2019

WASHINGTON, D.C. – Today, Sierra Club and Earthjustice, together with a broad coalition of public health and environmental groups, filed a lawsuit against former coal lobbyist Andrew Wheeler’s E

November 22, 2019

The Huffington Post reported new evidence today that the coal industry knew about the long-term, global impacts of its carbon pollution decades ago, and that the industry has proactively scuttled efforts by elected officials, public health groups, and scientists to address the climate crisis despite its awareness of the dangers.

November 22, 2019

BOSTON--Over the past two days, the North American Megadam Resistance Alliance with the Sierra Club Massachusetts Chapter, 350 Central Massachusetts and Worcester State University Department of Earth, Environment and Physics hosted Indigenous community members and allies from Canada at various forums addressing the true impacts of Canadian hydropower on local people and the environment. Multiple speakers presented information about the negative impacts of over 100 years of Canadian hydropower development at at time when Massachusetts has agreed to buy an additional 1,200 megawatts of power from Hydro-Quebec to be imported via the Central Maine Power transmission corridor.

November 21, 2019

Avista Utilities would commit at least $3 million to assist in economic transition for the community of Colstrip and would no longer support investments that would extend the life of the plant past the end of 2025, under the terms of a proposed settlement in the company’s rate case before the Washington State Utilities and Transportation Commission.